Did you know the CAR-CSTR developed comprehensive educational content for radiologists focused on the imaging interpretation and reporting of lung cancer screening? After reviewing evidence from Canadian and international screening programs as well as research studies, a multidisciplinary team at the CAR and CSTR created robust patient and imaging focused guidance standards for lung screening programs. Read More
2022 – A Year in Review and Outlook for 2023
CAR President Dr. Gilles Soulez Shares Highlights from This Past Year
The last two years have been challenging for the radiology community. The pandemic had a dramatic impact on healthcare delivery and changed the way radiologists practice. It also exacerbated the extensive wait times experienced by patients for medical imaging. Even with procedures returning to full capacity, pandemic protocols, while necessary, have added to the time it takes to complete medical imaging tests. Read MoreFormer SRQ President Believes CME is Central for a Career in Radiology
“Presidency of the SRQ was among the best professional experiences I have ever had, and I am most grateful for having been chosen to assume that responsibility,” says Dr. Bruno Morin. He is a radiologist in Laval, QC and served as President of the Société de radiologie du Québec (SRQ) from 2013-14. He says the professional experience he gained showed him the importance of Continuing Medical Education (CME) on maintaining a long and distinguished career in his chosen field of radiology. Read More
We Can’t Wait to See You in Montreal for CAR 2023!
Gather with your radiology community at the Canadian Association of Radiologists Annual Scientific Meeting, hosted at Montreal’s Le Westin hotel from April 27-30, 2023. Read More
CAR Education – 2022 Recap
The CAR’s education department, in tandem with its collaborating partners produced a staggering amount of exceptional educational content in 2022, covering a breadth of topics ranging from foundational to masterclass, all of which are accessible on RAD Academy for CAR members and available for Maintenance of Certification (MOC) credit. Read More
Disclosing Harm Associated with Pathological Analysis or Diagnostic Imaging: A Team-Based Approach
Provided by the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA)
Healthcare providers have an ethical, professional, and legal obligation to disclose to patient harm that arises from healthcare delivery. In cases where pathological analysis or diagnostic imaging have been misinterpreted, it may be appropriate for the pathologist or radiologist to participate in the disclosure process. Participating in discussions with patients is often complicated by the fact that pathologists and radiologists typically do not have direct interaction with patients. Read MoreThe CETARS Shares Expertise with Radiologists in Ukraine
Having lasted for several months, the world is keenly aware of the impact that the military conflict with Russia has had on Ukraine. Among the many losses to social structures and life sustaining systems in Ukraine, the conflict has affected the ability for radiologists and medical professionals to maintain their Continuing Professional Development (CPD), especially as it applies to emergency and trauma imaging. Aiming to provide aid to these professionals as the situation continues, the Canadian Emergency, Trauma, and Acute Care Radiology Society (CETARS) has set up a series of educational webinars focusing on all aspects of emergency and trauma care imaging, using a head-to-toe approach. Read More
CARJ Editorial Team and CAR Member in the Running for the 2022 Minnies Competition
The CAR Journal and a CAR member are in the running for some major recognition at the 2022 Minnies – Aunt Minnie’s annual awards for the “best and brightest in medical imaging.”
This year, Dr. Kate Hanneman from the University of Toronto is a semi-finalist in the Most Influential Radiology Researcher category, and a CARJ study entitled Influences of the Social Media Continuum Model in Radiology: Theory and Reality is a semi-finalist for the Scientific Paper of the Year. Read More
Highlights from the September 2022 Board Meeting
From September 22-24 the CAR Board of Directors gathered in Halifax, Nova Scotia to discuss the upcoming priorities for the fall and to undertake the development of a new strategic plan for the next five years. Despite the challenges presented from Hurricane Fiona, the Board, with representatives from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan (2), Ontario (2), Quebec (2), New Brunswick (2), Nova Scotia, the ACR and a resident representing the Resident and Fellow Section, weathered the storm and had a very productive discussion. The meeting kicked off with a presentation from Dr. Gilles Soulez, CAR President, summarizing the successes and highlights of the last several months. Read More
Summer Presidential Update – Your Membership Matters
With the warmer weather upon us, for many of our members the focus is on summer vacations. I hope that you have been able to get away from work to recharge your batteries. I would like to thank our members for their continued support and recognize the many radiologist leaders who have taken time out of their hectic schedules, even through prime vacation season, to support and lead initiatives that will have a significant impact on patient care in Canada. Read More
Busy Month Ahead: Upcoming CAR Education and Events
The CAR continues to diversify and expand its catalogue of educational offerings, and September promises to be a busy month. The next few weeks are full of exciting content with an upcoming series of webinars, covering topics relevant to a range of subspecialties. Read More
Announcing QUEST: Introduction to Lung Cancer Screening
The Screening team at the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (the Partnership) supports developing cancer screening initiatives in collaboration with a broad range of partners to improve quality and equity of screening for breast, cervical, colorectal, and lung cancer in Canada. One of their main initiatives, the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control, is to strengthen existing screening efforts and implement lung cancer screening programs across Canada. That is where the Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR), with its successful history of a Mammography Accreditation Program became involved. The CAR and CSTR are excited to announce the launch of the first program in the CAR’s QUEST curriculum: Introduction to Lung Cancer Screening. Read More
CARJ Editorial Board: Journal is Strengthening in Quality and Impact
The CAR Journal (CARJ) continues to be an important educational pillar of the radiology community in Canada and internationally. The Journal brings together the best work and scientific activities from radiologists who engage with the field’s most challenging topics and earlier this year, reached an all-time high Impact Factor of 4.186. Read More
The CAR & CHAR: Progressing Radiology as a Specialty Practice Across Canada
For over four decades, the Canadian Heads of Academic Radiology (CHAR) have been an expanding authority in promoting radiology education, research, and academic practice among Canadian academic institutions. The CHAR is an association that brings together the Heads of the 16 academic radiology departments in Canadian universities. Read More
AI in Radiology – Where Are We Now?
In February 2021, we launched the CAR’s national curriculum, “Artificial Intelligence in Radiology: Foundations to Current Applications,” consisting of five courses and multiple modules to be rolled out over time. Grounded in the latest science and developed by experts in the field, the modules offer a wealth of knowledge that is tailored for radiologists. So, where are we now?
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CAR 2021 Snapshot: Canada’s Premier Radiology Event
We would like to thank everyone for participating in the 2021 Canadian Association of Radiologists' Annual Scientific Meeting (CAR 2021), our first virtual meeting, and to extend a very special thank you to the speakers that made CAR 2021 a tremendous success. The Annual Scientific Meeting attracted close to 700 participants from across the country including 73 speakers and moderators. Registered participants have access to the virtual platform until May 31, 2021.
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RAD Academy has a New Exciting Look!
Spring has sprung and so blooms a fresh new look for RAD Academy! The CAR has created a more interactive learning environment with this latest update to the learning management system (LMS). We have added a new set of collaborative tools to maximize our engagement with members and boost your user experience to ensure that RAD Academy is your go-to hub for all your CPD needs!
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Share the Vision – Final Countdown
We have been counting down to the CAR’s virtual Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) for months and it is just days away. Our past two newsletters have featured plenary sessions, trainee day, affiliate events, and accredited symposia. This month we highlight even more exciting content, some that is back by popular demand, including the oral presentations competition and the scientific and educational electronic posters. There is still time to register for the meeting, taking place from April 27-May 2, 2021. Don’t miss out! Read More
Royal College – American College of Radiology Credit Agreement
Members of the CAR have long been asking for more opportunities to obtain Section 3 Self-Assessment Program (SAP) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program credits. We are pleased to have facilitated this agreement between the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Royal College) and the American College of Radiology (ACR) that recognizes eight ACR accredited self-assessment programs as eligible for Section 3 MOC credits.
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Global Outreach in Radiology
According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), nearly two-thirds of the world's population has no access to diagnostic medical imaging.[1] While there has been a rise in international organizations spearheading radiology outreach initiatives, there is growing interest amongst Canadian radiologists and trainees to learn more about global health initiatives.
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