Bones Uncovered: Essential Approaches for MSK Radiology
The CAR's Virtual Trainee Day is focused on preparing trainees for their career journey in radiology.
This year's theme is Bones Uncovered: Essential Approaches for MSK Radiology.
Trainees are invited to register for this online event taking place Tuesday, February 11, 2025.

All times are listed in EST
Welcome and Opening Remarks
RFS Chair Dr. Kathleen MacMillan, Dalhousie university
Sclerotic Bone Lesions
Moderator: Dr. Kathleen MacMillan
Speaker: Dr. Sukhvinder Dhillon, University of Alberta
We will review what causes a bone to look sclerotic on XR and review the differential diagnosis based on imaging appearances.
How to Get a Job: Practical Strategies
Moderator: Dr. Karl Narvacan, University of Toronto
Speakers: Dr. Alexandra Dowhanik, University of Alberta
Dr. Bill Wong, University of Southern California
This presentation will provide an overview of fellowship and job opportunities in the United States.
Approach to Metabolic Bone Disease
Moderator: Dr. Kathleen MacMillan, Dalhousie University
Speaker: Dr. Laura Fitzpatrick, Dalhousie University
This presentation aims to provide an approach to metabolic bone disease to radiology trainees and general radiologists. This will include integrating the clinical and laboratory investigations.
Transition to Academic MSK Radiology Practice
Moderator: Dr. Karl Narvacan, University of Toronto
Speaker: Dr. Eugen Lungu, Université de Montréal
Dr. Lungu shares his experience with transition from training to musculoskeletal radiology practice in a busy academic centre.
Approach to Sacroiliitis
Moderator: Dr. Karl Narvacan, University of Toronto
Speaker: Dr. Rakesh Mohankumar, University of Toronto
Anatomy of sacroiliac joints. Diagnosis of sacroiliitis on plain radiography and MRI mimics of sacroiliitis.
Junior & Senior Hot Seats
Moderator: Dr. Kathleen MacMillan, Dalhousie University
Speakers: Dr. Victoria Domonkos, University of Ottawa
Dr. Umer Nasir, Queen’s University
Moderator: Dr. Karl Narvacan, University of Toronto
Speakers: Dr. Hadas Benhabib, McMaster University
Dr. Dyan Flores, University of Ottawa
Wrap Up & Closing Remarks
SPC Resident Rep Dr. Karl Narvacan, University of Toronto
RFS Chair Dr. Kathleen MacMillan, Dalhousie university
Check out this year's exciting lineup of MSK experts.

Dr. Laura Fitzpatrick
Dalhousie University

Dr. Alexandra Dowhanik
University of Alberta

Dr. Sukhvinder Dhillon
University of Alberta

Dr. Eugen Lungu
University of Montréal

Dr. Rakesh Mohankumar
University of Toronto

Dr. Victoria Domonkos
University of Ottawa

Dr. Umer Nasir
Queen's University

Dr. Bill Wong
University of Southern California

Dr. Kathleen MacMillan
Dalhousie University

Dr. Walter Mak
University of Toronto

Dr. Hadas Benhabib
McMaster University

Dr. Karl Narvacan
University of Toronto

Dr. Dyan Flores
University of Ottawa