About Us
The RFS launched the Medical Student Network (MSN) in 2020. Dr. Jessica L Dobson was selected by the RFS Executive Committee as the inaugural MSN Coordinator. She created a formalized network of medical student leaders interested in radiology, collaborating with them to develop their own local radiology events and to organize national events.
The MSN works with each medical school's radiology interest group (RIG) leaders and is developing resources for Canadian RIGs and medical students interested in radiology including the Online Cross-Country Tour of residency programs, a longitudinal lecture series, mentorship sessions for women in Radiology and a post-CaRMS mentorship session, among others.
MSN Coordinator
Dr. Chloe DesRoche
Originally from Denver, Colorado, Dr. Chloe DesRoche graduated from Queen’s Medicine in 2024. She is currently a PGY-1 Diagnostic Radiology resident at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.
Chloe previously completed her undergraduate and masters degrees in Computer Science at Queen’s University, specializing in computer assisted surgery and computational image analysis which initially sparked her interest in Radiology.
Throughout medical school, Chloe has served in various leadership roles including Executive of the Diagnostic Imaging Interest Group, Vice President of the Aesculapian Society student government and Director of the Surgical Skills Enhancement Program. As CAR RFS MSN Coordinator Chloe hopes to help connect and inspire medical students interested in pursuing a career in Radiology.
Prior to medical school, Chloe represented Canada in rowing and raced as a competitive cyclist. In her free time, she enjoys cycling, cross country skiing, trail running, reading and painting.
MSN Executive Committee
Dr. Chloe DesRoche (MSN Coordinator)
Joe Najjar (Student Lead)
Jimin Lee (Secretary-Treasurer)
Rushali Gandhi (Communications)
Executive Committee 2024-25
Dr. Chloe DesRoche (MSN Coordinator)
Joe Najjar (Student Lead )
Jimin Lee (Secretary-Treasurer)
Rushali Gandhi (Communications)
University RIG Reps 2024-25
All project lead and project volunteer positions for 2024-25 have currently been filled.
University of British Columbia
Will Wei
Karen Rofaeel
University of Alberta
Amir Adel
Amanda Chen
Annie Zymela
University of Calgary
Adam Carscadden
George Tadros
Vaneeza Moosa
University of Saskatchewan
Mark Wang
University of Manitoba
Bilal Raja
Lexie Wu
University of Toronto
Mikail Malik
Samuel Haile
Emma Blanchette
Maria Gagarine
University of Ottawa
Mohammed Kashif
Sono Khan
Theodore Liu
Neel Thanavala
Queen’s University
McMaster University
Rod Parsa
Yudhvir Bhatti
Madeline Komar
Western University
Thanansa Dhivagaran
Fahad Butt
Université de Montréal
Luca Panetta
Caroline Truong
Université Laval
Antoine Rohel
Université de Sherbrooke
Wilad Safih
Ying Giao Yang
Dalhousie University – Halifax
Julian Oxner
Lauren Mills
Dalhousie University – Saint John
Amanda Vandewint
Emily Weston
Memorial University
Zachary Porter
Dana Pormento
Cross Country Tour
Hosted annually in October, the Cross Country Tour is an online presentation of each radiology residency program from across Canada. These sessions featured live presentations from program directors & current residents as well as a Q&A period for medical students.
2024-25 Project Leads: Kenneth Le May and Joe Najjar
Mentorship Program
A mentorship program for medical students to increase their exposure to radiology. Each student will be paired with a fellow or a radiology resident. This will allow medical students to ask questions and seek advice.
2024-24 Project Lead: Kenneth Le May
Mock Interview
A virtual mock interview for radiology applicants to help 4th year (+/- 3rd year) candidates become familiar with the online interview format. Radiology residents will be interviewing and giving feedback to medical students. These sessions will be held prior to the CaRMS interview period.
2024-25 Project Lead: Jimin Lee
RadGames is a friendly virtual competition between different Canadian medical school campuses on image interpretation. Each team will be composed of 5-6 members. RadGames typically occurs in February or March each year. Please reach out to your local RIG if you wish to get involved.
2024-25 Project Leads: TBA
French MSN Events
Various events for French-speaking medical students from across Canada to increase their exposure to radiology.
2024-25 Project Leads: Stephanie Belanger and Luca Panetta
Online Interviews with Canadian Radiologists and Residents
Recorded sessions aimed to increase medical students' exposure to radiology by sharing the backgrounds of Canadian residents, fellows and radiologists. This project also aims to highlight the breadth of subspecialty fields of radiology eg. interventional radiology, women’s imaging, neuroimaging, body, imaging, nuclear medicine, ect. Past sessions can be viewed at the following link.
2024-25 Project Lead: Zakhar Kanyuka
Post CARMs Interview Panel
This is a virtual panel of recently matched radiology/nuclear medicine radiology residents to answer student questions about the CaRMs process and their decision to pursue a career in Radiology. Open Q&A format with breakout rooms for small group discussions. This session will be held approximately 3 weeks after the CaRMS match day.
2024-25 Project Lead: Yasin Av
MSN Executive Committee
- The current MSN Executive Committee positions for 2024-25 have been filled. Applications for the 2025-26 MSN Executive Committee (MSN Coordinator, Student Lead, Secretary-Treasurer and Communications) will open in June 2025.
MSN Project Leads
MSN Project volunteer applications will open in September. Application details TBA.
MSN Projects Proposals
Due to the high interest from student volunteers and limited positions within MSN, we have opened the opportunity for students to submit project proposals for consideration by the CAR MSN Executive. We are looking for novel ideas to address gaps in knowledge or explore new learning opportunities for trainees. This is a great leadership opportunity, and you would gain valuable skills in project management and oversight if your project is selected.
Applications will be accepted throughout the year, but proposals are only reviewed on an annual basis. The annual project cycle is as follows:
- January 30th: Annual application submission deadline
- February: MSN Executive & CAR Education Team Review
- March: Decision letters sent to all applicants
- April: Project start date
The CAR MSN will be selecting a maximum of 1 student project per cycle. Projects will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Feasibility of completing the project
- Clear project deliverables and project timeline
- Resources required for project completion
- Ability to engage students on a national level
- Relevance to students interested in pursuing a career in Radiology
University RIGs
To help you prepare your proposal, please see the Project_Proposal_Template.
Learning in the Dark
Introducing "Présentation de "Learning in the Dark", a new podcast sponsored by the Canadian Association of Radiologists' Resident & Fellow Section: This educational radiology podcast is designed to orient you to high yield on-call pathologies to help prepare you for call, taking cases in rounds, and the board exams. Each episode will provide you with an approach and highlight key imaging findings through case discussions following the 'detect, describe, differential and decision' model. This podcast is created by UBC Radiology residents Dr. Rebecca Spouge and Dr. James Roberts.
Listen to the first episode, covering small bowel obstructions, via Spotify or Apple Podcasts!
To learn more visit
- Radiology masterclass: https://www.radiologymasterclass.co.uk
- Radiopedia: https://radiopaedia.org/articles/radiology-for-students-curriculum
- Book: Learning radiology: https://learningradiology.com
- Rad Academy : https://radacademy.myabsorb.ca/#/login
- Radiology assistant : https://radiologyassistant.nl
- "CAR MSN Nuclear Medicine 101" (available in a few weeks)
- Navigating Radiology: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFHfSDdJrB95ffkKK0n8pNQ/videos
- ACOREdu): https://www.acoredu.com/
Mailing Address
CAR Medical Student Network
C/O Canadian Association of Radiologists
1120-220 Laurier Ave W
Ottawa, ON K1P 5Z9
Dr. Chloe DesRoche : [email protected]