On December 9, 2018, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance released their 2019 Pre-Budget Report. The Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) also published their Inuit Tuberculosis (TB) Elimination Framework on the same day. Included in both the Pre-Budget Report and Inuit Tuberculosis Elimination Framework is a focus on medical imaging technology and a recommendation for additional equipment to help with the eradication of TB.
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It’s the most Wonderful Time to Donate to the CRF
It’s almost the end of the year, so if you’ve ever wanted to donate to the Canadian Radiology Foundation (CRF), now’s the time.
Since the CRF is a charitable organization, all donations are deductible on your 2018 tax return. You’ll not only be supporting research and innovation but also students and residents in continuing their education.
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Radiologists are Making Hospital News
Earlier this month Hospital News magazine published an issue focused specifically on radiology. In the center of all this radiological news is the CAR, with several articles beginning at page 16 and ending at page 21. Included in our featured stories are an interview with CAR president, Dr. Emil Lee, and the CAR’s advocacy for clinical decision support systems.
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L’intelligence artificielle au service de la radiologie
L’intelligence artificielle est l’une des révolutions technologiques de notre époque. Elle permet des prouesses jusque-là impossibles dans bien des domaines. La radiologie en est un, selon l’Association canadienne des radiologistes. Un récent livre blanc rédigé en collaboration avec un groupe d’experts, explicite la manière dont l’intelligence artificielle (IA) peut être avantageusement mise à profit dans le travail des radiologistes...more.
President’s Message: Focus on advocacy brings successful end to 2017
Dear friends and colleagues,
The year end task of putting words to paper to try and summarize the myriad activities, accomplishments, endeavours and triumphs of your organization is always a difficult one.
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CAR Delegates in Ottawa for second annual advocacy event on Parliament Hill
On November 6-7, members of the CAR were on Parliament Hill to celebrate International Day of Radiology and pay tribute to the work being done by their colleagues across Canada. This year, building upon the success of the last year's CAR Day on the Hill, the event has grown to encompass two days of advocacy and awareness-raising about the value of radiology and the importance of imaging for patient care. Read More
CAR develops infographic on vital role of radiologists, asking members to partake in awareness-raising campaign
Radiologists play a pivotal role in patient care; however, there are still many people who don't know this, especially among the general public. In order to raise awareness, the CAR is launching the "#iamyourradiologist" campaign on November 8 – the International Day of Radiology. The goal is to help the public understand who radiologists are, what they do, and the value they contribute to patient care.
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How the CAR is tackling proposed tax changes to CCPCs
Meetings with senior policymakers
On Thursday August 24, Dr. Mike Barry, Vice-President of the CAR met with senior officials in Ottawa regarding the proposed changes to tax structures for Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs) – changes which will impact many CAR members and other physicians across Canada. Representing incorporated radiologists, Dr. Barry met with policymakers at the Canada Revenue Agency, senior Conservative party policy officials at the Office of the Loyal Opposition and with Mr. Justin To, Deputy Director of Policy at the Prime Minister’s Office. Dr. Mike Barry met with Deputy Director of Poilicy at the Prime Minster's Office to discuss proposed tax changes. Read MoreSpeaking with a united voice – proposed tax changes
A message from Dr. Emil Lee, President of the CAR
Dear CAR members,
As the CAR continues to advocate on behalf of radiologists regarding the proposed tax reforms to CCPCs, we would like to draw your attention to the recent statement released by the President of the CMA, Dr. Granger Avery. As Dr. Avery stated: “nothing is more effective than individual doctors talking directly to their local politicians. We have a short window to make ourselves heard, and I urge each one of you to write, call and meet with your local MP and your provincial or territorial representative (MPP, MLA, MNA, etc.). The CMA has key messages to augment your own compelling personal narrative, which highlight the consequences this will have for you and your patients.” Read More
We need your stories – proposed tax changes
A message from Dr. Emil Lee, President of the CAR
Dear CAR members,
Since the announcement one week ago that the federal Finance Minister is proposing changes to the tax framework for Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs), the CAR has been liaising with the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) and provincial radiology associations to determine what our next steps should be. Read More
Proposed tax changes to affect incorporated radiologists
A message from Dr. Emil Lee, President of the CAR
Dear CAR members,
Today, Tuesday July 18, the Hon. Bill Morneau, the federal Minister of Finance held a press conference to announce a consultation process on proposed changes to tax structures for Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs). Many radiologists who are incorporated into group structures may be impacted by these changes. Read More