“While great progress has been made in early detection and treatment, breast cancer remains the most common cancer in Canadian women over the age of 20 and one in seven women with breast cancer will receive their diagnosis in their 40s,” said Sandra Palmaro, CEO, and Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation – Ontario Region. “The Foundation supports the CAR guidelines addressing screening mammography and encourages all women aged 40-49 to talk to a health care provider about the benefits and limitations of mammography and what is right for them. Evidence shows that screening women in this age group helps save lives.”
Mammography Accreditation Program (MAP)
The CAR Mammography Accreditation Program (MAP) is an initiative instituted over 20 years ago to ensure that the quality of mammography images meets the highest standards. This voluntary program offers radiologists the opportunity for peer review and evaluation of their facility's staff qualifications, equipment performance, quality control and quality assurance programs, image quality, dose and processor quality control.
Patient safety through continuous quality improvement is the objective of MAP. It is in everyone’s best interest to ensure that, when a patient has a mammogram, it is completed in a manner that exposes him or her to the lowest possible radiation dose and risk, and ultimately results in an image that the radiologist can accurately interpret.
Facilities seeking accreditation by the CAR MAP are assessed for compliance in the four quality areas of the program:
Personnel Requirements: The RIGHT PEOPLE to conduct a quality examination and oversee the rendering of optimal diagnostic images.
Quality Control: The APPROPRIATE TESTS are completed through the implementation of a quality assurance program and monitored QC to ensure the acquisition and presentation of optimal quality medical images.
Equipment Specifications: The RIGHT EQUIPMENT operating in the manner it was intended.
Breast Image Quality: A SYSTEMATIC IMAGE ASSESSMENT by a qualified reviewer, ensuring the facility regularly evaluates the quality of its diagnostic images and the associated radiation doses.
These quality areas are assessed through the different stages of the accreditation process: the application, image evaluation as well as the maintenance of accreditation status and then the cycle begins anew.
Today, over 500 facilities enjoy the benefits of being accredited through the CAR, and this number continues to grow. Facilities successfully completing all the CAR requirements will be granted accreditation for a three-year period and will be listed on the CAR website.
Read Standards
As of 2019 there is an increase in the requirement of the minimum number of mammography exams reported by a radiologist. The requirement is increasing from 480 to 1,000. The published literature has shown that higher reading volumes are associated with improved sensitivity and specificity. Many countries require between 2,000 and 5,000 reads per radiologist. Increasing the number of reads to 1,000 will positively improve patient outcomes. This increase will also bring the CAR Mammography Accreditation Program (MAP) more in line with evidence-based standards. Please see the following FAQ for additional information.
Read Standards FAQ
To access the guides listed below, log into your MAP Online profile, click on the Documents tab then toggle to the shared folder (upper right corner).
- MRT Consent to Participate Guide
- Radiologist Consent to Participate Guide
- Your CPD Activities Guide
- Radiologist Workstation Guide
- Radiologist Annual Read Submission Guide
Central Inbox – [email protected] or [email protected]
Francine Morris
[email protected]
(705) 482-7649
Jennifer Joseph
[email protected]
(705) 482-7658
123 Edward Street Diagnostic Imaging Ltd 123 Edward St Suite 600 905-885-1860 | Toronto | ON |
24 SMPBC - Coquitlam Centre 102-3001 Gordon Avenue 604-927-2148 www.medrayimaging.com | Coquitlam | BC |
Aberdeen Regional Hospital Pictou County Health Authority 835 East River Road 902-752-7600 x 3212 | New Glasgow | NS |
ACMS Ultrasound LTD 2419 90B St. SW 780-515-9485 www.acmsultrasound.com | Edmonton | AB |
Albany Medical Clinic 807 Broadview Avenue 416-461-9471 www.albanyclinic.ca | Toronto | ON |
Alberta Health Services - Cross Cancer Institute 11560 University Avenue 780-432-8643 | Edmonton | AB |
Alberta Health Services - Screen Test - Calgary Holy Cross Centre Phase I 2202 - 2nd Street SW 1-800-667-0604 | Calgary | AB |
Alberta Health Services - Screen Test - Edmonton 311 Kingsway Garden Mall 109 St.& Princess Elizabeth Av 1-800-667-0604 | Edmonton | AB |
Alexandra Marine and General Hospital 120 Napier Street 519-524-8689 x 5474 www.amgh.ca | Goderich | ON |
Alton Towers X-Ray and Ultrasound 203A-240 Alton Towers Circle | Scarborough | ON |
Annex Medical Imaging 304 - 800 Bathurst Street 416-531-1128 www.annexmedicalimaging.com | Toronto | ON |
Apple-Med X-Ray, Ultrasound & Mammography Precision Diagnostic Inc. 208-1077 North Service Road 905-566-1548 | Mississauga | ON |
Arnprior Regional Health 350 John Street North www.arnpriorregionalhealth.ca | Arnprior | ON |
Aspen Diagnostic Imaging 4-4907 51st Street 780-675-1168 www.aspenimaging.ca | Athabasca | AB |
Associated Radiologists LLP 15 - 2685 2nd Avenue West 306-763-8595 www.saskradiology.ca | Prince Albert | SK |
Associated Radiologists LLP 33-2325 Preston Ave South 306-244-1167 www.saskradiology.ca | Saskatoon | SK |
Barclay Diagnostic Imaging 589 Lake Street 905-935-3838 www.barclayimaging.com | St. Catharines | ON |
BC Cancer Breast Screening - Mobile #20 1804 Bowen Road 250-716-5904 | Nanaimo | BC |
Beam Radiology 340 Na'a Common SW beamradiology.com | Calgary | AB |
Belle River Imaging Services 1-1679 County Road 22 519-727-3993 belleriverimaging.ca | Belle River | ON |
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre 46 Point Finger Road Paget DV 04 (441) 236-1001 | Bermuda | |
BGSA Radiology Brooks #3 650 Cassils Road E | Brooks | AB |
BGSA Radiology Inc. 1854 Southview Dr. SE 403-527-7334 www.bsaradiology.ca | Medicine Hat | AB |
Blanche River Health – Kirkland Lake Site 145 Government Rd East 705-568-2127 www.kdhospital.com | Kirkland Lake | ON |
Bluewater Health - Sarnia 89 Norman Street 519-464-4515 www.bluewaterhealth.ca | Sarnia | ON |
Bolton Medical Imaging Inc. 170 McEwan Drive East 905-857-0779 www.boltonimaging.ca | Bolton | ON |
Boundary Trails Health Centre 1350 Rd. 24 W R.M. of Stanley Jct. Hwy #3 & #14 204-331-8811 | Winkler | MB |
Brandon Regional Health Center 150 McTavish Avenue East 204-578-4845 www.prairiemountainhealth.ca | Brandon | MB |
Brant Community Healthcare System Brantford General Hospital 519-751-5597 www.bchsys.org | Brantford | ON |
Breast Imaging Kingston 820 John Marks Ave. | Kingston | ON |
Breast Screening Centre - St. John's 35 Major's Path, Suite 102 709-777-5070 | St. John's | NF |
Breast Screening Centre 115 Roe Avenue 709-256-5597 www.centralhealth.nl.ca | Gander | NF |
BreastCheck - Brandon Site 620 Frederick Street 1-855-952-4325 https://www.cancercare.mb.ca/screening/info/breast | Brandon | MB |
BreastCheck, CancerCare Manitoba 5-25 Sherbrook Street 1-855-952-4325 www.breastcheck.mb.ca | Winnipeg | MB |
Brightshores Health System 1800 8th Street East 519-376-8637 www.gbhs.on.ca | Owen Sound | ON |
Brockville General Hospital 75 Charles Street 613-345-5645 www.bgh-on.ca | Brockville | ON |
Bulkley Valley District Hospital - SMP 45 3950 - 8th Avenue 250-847-6214 | Smithers | BC |
Burin Peninsula Health Care Centre – Eastern Health 85 Main Street 7098973369 | Burin | NF |
Cambridge Medical Imaging 103-614 Coronation Boulevard 519-740-1790 | Cambridge | ON |
Cambridge Memorial Hospital 700 Coronation Boulevard www.cmh.org | Cambridge | ON |
Campbellford Memorial Hospital 146 Oliver Road 705-653-3104 www.cmh.ca | Campbellford | ON |
Campbellton Regional Hospital 189 Lily Lake Road 506-789-5056 | Campbellton | NB |
Canada Diagnostic Centers - Leduc 1 - 5201 50th Street | Leduc | AB |
Canadian Medical Alliance East Inc. 2003 St. Joseph Boulevard | Orleans | ON |
Canadian Medical Alliance West Inc. 102 - 150 Katimavik Road 613-824-3252 www.cmacare.ca | Kanata | ON |
Canadian Radiology Center 530 - 6520 Falconridge Blvd NE 403-475-3800 crcenter.ca | Calgary | AB |
Cape Breton Regional Hospital Nova Scotia Breast Screening Program - Cape Breton Regional Hospital 1482 George Street 902-567-7788 | Sydney | NS |
CDC - 109 Street 7121 - 109 Street NW 780-434-9147 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Edmonton | AB |
CDC - Calgary Women's Imaging Centre 20 Richard Way SW 403-685-3123 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Calgary | AB |
CDC - Ellerslie 632-91 Street SE 780-341-6020 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Edmonton | AB |
CDC - Glenmore Landing D270 - 1600 90 Avenue SW 403-252-5882 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Calgary | AB |
CDC - Mira 103A - 11910 111 Avenue NW 780-452-9711 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Edmonton | AB |
CDC - North Town 134 – 9450 137 Avenue NW 780-478-7221 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Edmonton | AB |
CDC - Okotoks 141 - 31 Southridge Drive 403-995-2727 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Okotoks | AB |
CDC - Pacific Place 959 - 999 36 Street NE 403-215-2900 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Calgary | AB |
CDC - Rabbit Hill 5131 Mullen Rd www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Edmonton | AB |
CDC - Savanna 5850 - 88 Ave NE 403-212-7650 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Calgary | AB |
CDC - Sherwood Park 114 - 80 Chippewa Road 780-467-2773 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Sherwood Park | AB |
CDC - Sunridge 3 BSMT - 2675 36 Street NE 403-291-3315 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Calgary | AB |
CDC - Symons Valley 32-12192 Symons Valley Road NW 403-212-5640 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Calgary | AB |
CDC - Westgate 172 - 17010 90 Avenue NW 780-484-1672 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Edmonton | AB |
CDC - Westhills 200A Stewart Green SW 403-685-6175 www.canadadiagnostics.ca | Calgary | AB |
CDN - Barrhaven Imaging 8-605 Longfields Drive | Ottawa | ON |
Central Alberta Medical Imaging Services Leanne Alexander Controller 4312- 54th Avenue 403-755-8060 | Red Deer | AB |
Central Newfoundland Regional Health Centre 50 Union Street | Grand Falls-Windsor | NF |
Central Toronto Diagnostic Imaging 658 Danforth Avenue 416-465-5735 www.insightdiagnosticimaging.ca | Toronto | ON |
Central X-Ray and Ultrasound 459 Holland St W. | Bradford | ON |
Centre de radiologie Côte-des-Neiges 5300, chemin Côte-des-Neiges 514-738-5306 | Montréal | QC |
Centre de santé de Chibougamau 51, 3e rue 418-748-6435 www.crsssbaiejames.gouv.qc.ca | Chibougamau | QC |
Centre d'imagerie du sein du CHUM 1051, rue Sanguinet 514-890-8000 | Montréal | QC |
Centre radiologique de l'Estrie 15 J.A.Bombardier, Suite A-240 819-820-2827 www.radiologiecrshe.ca | Sherbrooke | QC |
Centre radiologique Ville-Marie 1538, Sherbrooke Ouest 514-933-4990 www.vmmed.com | Montréal | QC |
CGA Medical Imaging (Calgary) 140 – 4774 Westwinds Drive NE 4039937108 www.cgami.ca | Calgary | AB |
CGA Medical Imaging (Cold Lake) Inc. 2012 8th Avenue, Suite 101 www.cgami.ca | Cold Lake | AB |
Chaleur Regional Hospital Chaleur Regional hospital Medical imaging department 1750 Promenade Sunset 506-544-3250 | Bathurst | NB |
Charles S. Curtis Memorial Hospital 200 West St | St. Anthony | NF |
Charlotte County Hospital - Horizon Health Network 4 Garden Street 506-465-4450 www.horizonnb.ca | St. Stephen | NB |
Chatham-Kent Health Alliance 80 Grand Avenue West www.ckha.on.ca | Chatham | ON |
Chinook Medical Imaging 409 Easthills Blvd SE lethbridgeradiology.com | Calgary | AB |
CHU de Québec - Hôpital du St-Sacrement 1050, chemin Ste-Foy 418-682-7511 X 84970 www.chudequebec.ca | Québec | QC |
CIBC Breast Assessment Centre - Juravinski Hospital & Cancer Centre 711 Concession Street 905-521-2100 www.bachamilton.ca | Hamilton | ON |
CISSS - C. A. Secteur Thetford 1717, rue Notre-Dame Est 418-338-7777 www.centresantethetford.ca | Thetford Mines | QC |
CISSS Côte-Nord Le Royer 635, boul. Jolliet 418-589-3701 www.cisss-cotenord.gouv.qc.ca | Baie-Comeau | QC |
CISSS de Chaudière-Appalaches (CSSS Alphonse Desjardins) Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis 418-835-7121 www.hdl.qc.ca | Lévis | QC |
CISSS de Chaudière-Appalaches Hôpital de Montmagny 418-248-0630 www.cisss-lanaudiere.gouv.qc.ca | Montmagny | QC |
CISSS de Chaudière-Appalaches Hôpital St-Georges 418-228-2031 www.csssbeauce.qc.ca | St-Georges | QC |
CISSS de la Côte-Nord - Minganie 1035, prom. des Anciens 418-538-2212 www.csssminganie.com | Havre-Saint-Pierre | QC |
CISSS de la Côte-Nord - Sept-Îles 45, rue du Père-Divet 418-962-9761 www.cisss-cotenord.gouv.qc.ca | Sept-Îles | QC |
CISSS de la Gaspésie - Hôpital de Chandler 451, rue Mgr Ross Est 418-689-2261 cisss-gaspesie.gouv.qc.ca | Chandler | QC |
CISSS de la Gaspésie - Hôpital de Gaspé 215, boul. York Ouest 418-368-3301 www.cssscotedegaspe.ca | Gaspé | QC |
CISSS de la Gaspésie - Hôpital de Maria 419, boul. Perron 1-888-666-3443 www.cisss-gaspesie.gouv.qc.ca | Maria | QC |
CISSS de la Gaspésie - réseau Ste-Anne-des-Monts 50, rue du Belvédère 418-763-2261 x 6000 www.cssshautegaspesie.qc.ca | Ste-Anne-des-Monts | QC |
CISSS de la Montérégie Centre Hôpital Charles LeMoyne 450-466-5000 | Greenfield Park | QC |
CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre Hôpital du Haut-Richelieu 920, boul. du Séminaire nord 450-359-5000 | St-Jean-sur-Richelieu | QC |
CISSS de la Montérégie-Est - Hôpital Honoré-Mercier 2750, boul. Laframboise 450-771-3333 www.santemonteregie.qc.ca/richelieu-yamaska/ | St-Hyacinthe | QC |
CISSS de la Montérégie-Est - Hôpital Pierre Boucher 1333, boul. Jacques-Cartier E 450-468-8111 www.santemonteregie.qc.ca/cssspierreboucher.ca | Longueuil | QC |
CISSS de la Montérégie-Ouest - Hôpital du Suroît 150, rue St-Thomas 450-371-9920 cssssuroit.rts.qc.ca | Salaberry-de-Valleyfield | QC |
CISSS de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue - Hôpital d'Amos 622, 4e rue Ouest 819-301-0439 | Amos | QC |
CISSS de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue Hôpital de Rouyn-Noranda www.csssrn.qc.ca | Rouyn-Noranda | QC |
CISSS de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue Hôpital de Val-D'Or 819-825-5858 www.csssvo.qc.ca | Val-d'Or | QC |
CISSS de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue Pavillon Ville-Marie 22, rue Notre-Dame Nord 819-629-2420 | Ville-Marie | QC |
CISSS de Lanaudière - Hôpital Pierre-Le Gardeur 911, Montée des Pionniers 450-581-3020 www.cisss-lanaudiere.gouv.qc.ca | Terrebonne | QC |
CISSS de Lanaudière - Installation CHRDL 1000, boul. Sainte-Anne 450-759-8222 www.santelanaudiere.qc.ca | St-Charles-Borromée | QC |
CISSS de Laval - Hôpital Cité-de-la-Santé Clinique du sein 1755, boul. René-Laënnec 450-975-5505 | Laval | QC |
CISSS de l'Outaouais - Centre hospitalier du Pontiac 200, Rue Argue 819-647-2211 www.santepontiac.qc.ca | Shawville | QC |
CISSS de l'Outaouais - Hôpital de Gatineau Imagerie médicale 909, boul. La Vérendrye Ouest 819-966-6100 | Gatineau | QC |
CISSS de l'Outaouais - Hôpital de Maniwaki 309 boulevard Desjardins 819-449-6495 www.cisss-outaouais.gouv.qc.ca | Maniwaki | QC |
CISSS de l'Outaouais – Hôpital de Papineau 155, rue Maclaren Est 819-986-4115 | Gatineau | QC |
CISSS des Îles - Centre hospitalier de l'Archipel 430, Chemin Principal 418-986-2121 | Cap-Aux-Meules | QC |
CISSS des Laurentides - Hôpital Argenteuil 145, av de la. Providence 450-562-3761 www.csssargenteuil.qc.ca | Lachute | QC |
CISSS des Laurentides - Hôpital de Saint-Eustache 520, boul. Arthur-Sauvé 450-473-6811 x 42480 | St-Eustache | QC |
CISSS des Laurentides - Hôpital Laurentien 234, rue St-Vincent Imagerie médicale - Site 300 819-324-4000 | Ste-Agathe-des-Monts | QC |
CISSS des Laurentides - Hôpital Mont-Laurier 2561, chemin de la Lièvre Sud 819 623-1234 www.santéLaurentides.gouv.qc.ca | Mont-Laurier | QC |
CISSS des Laurentides Hôpital régional de St-Jérôme 450-432-2777 x 22973 | St-Jérôme | QC |
CISSS du Bas-Saint-Laurent - Hôpital de Matane 333, rue Thibault 418-562-7202 www.cisss-bsl.gouv.qc.ca | Matane | QC |
CISSS du Bas-Saint-Laurent - Hôpital régional de Rimouski-Neigette 150, avenue Rouleau www.chrr.qc.ca | Rimouski | QC |
CISSS du Bas-St-Laurent - Installation Rivière-du-Loup 75, rue St-Henri 418-868-1010 www.csssriviereduloup.qc.ca | Rivière-du-Loup | QC |
CISSSAT - Hôpital de La Sarre 679, 2e rue Est 819-301-0439 www.csssab.qc.ca | La Sarre | QC |
CISSSO - Hôpital de Hull 116, boul. Lionel-Emond 819-966-6200 www.cissso-outaouais.gouv.qc.ca | Gatineau | QC |
CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale - Hôpital Baie-St-Paul 88, rue Racine 418-435-5818 www.cssscharlevoix.qc.ca | Baie-St-Paul | QC |
CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale - Hôpital La Malbaie 303, rue St-Etienne 418-665-1700 x 1723 | La Malbaie | QC |
CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale - Hôpital régional de Portneuf 700, rue St-Cyrille www.csssdeportneuf.qc.ca | St-Raymond | QC |
CIUSSS de la Mauricie-et-du-Centre-du-Québec CHA Universitaire régional 819-697-3333 ciusssmcq.ca | Trois-Rivières | QC |
CIUSSS de la Mauricie-et-du-Centre-du-Québec Hôpital Sainte-Croix 819-478-6400 www.csssdrummond.qc.ca | Drummondville | QC |
CIUSSS de L'Estrie - CHUS - CSSS Granit 3569, rue Laval 819-583-0330 www.santeestrie.qc.ca | Lac-Mégantic | QC |
CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS - Hôpital de Granby 205, boul. Leclerc Ouest 450-375-8000 www.santemonteregie.qc.ca/granby-region/index.fr.html | Granby | QC |
CIUSSS du Nord-de-l'Île-de-Montréal Hôpital Jean-Talon | Montréal | QC |
CIUSSS du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Centre hosp. de Jonquière 418-695-7700 x 2321 www.csssjonquiere.qc.ca | Jonquière | QC |
CIUSSS du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Hôpital d'Alma 418-669-2000 www.santealma.qc.ca | Alma | QC |
CIUSSS du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Hôpital de Chicoutimi 418-541-1031 www.csss-chicoutimi.qc.ca | Chicoutimi | QC |
CIUSSS Estrie - CHUS 580, rue Bowen sud 819-346-1110 x 22456 www.santéestrie.qc.ca | Sherbrooke | QC |
CIUSSS MCQ du Haut-Saint-Maurice 885, boul. Ducharme 819-523-4858 www.ciusssmcq.ca | La Tuque | QC |
CIUSSS MCQ Hôpital Centre-de-la-Mauricie 819-536-7642 www.ciusssmcq.ca | Shawinigan-Sud | QC |
CIUSSS MCQ Hôtel-Dieu d'Arthabaska 819-357-2030 www.ciusssmcq.ca | Victoriaville | QC |
CIUSSS Saguenay Lac-St-Jean, Hôpital de Dolbeau-Mistassini 2000, boul. Sacré-Coeur 418-276-1234 (4245) | Dolbeau-Mistassini | QC |
CIUSSS SLSJ Domaine-du-Roy Hôpital de Roberval 418-275-0110 www.csssdomaineduroy.com | Roberval | QC |
Clarence-Rockland Imaging 2741 Chamberland Street 613-446-4263 | Rockland | ON |
Clarke centre d'imagerie médicale inc. Clarke Medical Imaging Center 5885 Côte-des-Neiges 514-738-1164 | Montréal | QC |
Clear Medical Imaging - Chatham 445 Grand Ave West 519-354-2493 www.clearimaging.ca | Chatham | ON |
Clear Medical Imaging - Lauzon 2825 Lauzon Parkway, unit 213 519-258-4515 www.clearimaging.ca | Windsor | ON |
Clear Medical Imaging - Tecumseh 13278 Tecumseh Road East 519-256-4914 www.clearimaging.ca | Tecumseh | ON |
Clear Medical Imaging - Windsor 1568 Ouellette Avenue 519-256-4914 www.clearimaging.ca | Windsor | ON |
Clear Medical Imaging - Windsor 2464 Howard Avenue, suite 102 519-255-4515 www.clearimaging.ca | Windsor | ON |
Clinique de radiologie CLM 2984, boul. Taschereau 450-671-6173 www.resoscan.com | Greenfield Park | QC |
Clinique de Radiologie du Saguenay INC. 484, Boul. du Royaume, Local 205 418-545-8673 | chicoutimi | QC |
Clinique radiologie Lévis - Les Rivières 809, Route des Rivières 418-833-0606 www.radiologielevis.com | Lévis | QC |
Clinique radiologique Audet Inc. 1180, Soeurs-du-Bon-Pasteur 418-681-6121 www.cliniqueradiologiqueaudet.com | Québec | QC |
Clinique radiologique de Gatineau 195 Boulevard Gréber, suite 01 819-568-9119 www.radiologique.com | Gatineau | QC |
Clinique radiologique de la Capitale 1-4225 4e avenue ouest 418-628-8291 www.rimc.ca | Québec | QC |
Clinique radiologique des Bois-Francs 39, rue Laurier Est 819-357-2323 [email protected] | Victoriaville | QC |
Clinique radiologique du Haut-Richelieu 870, boul. du Séminaire 450-348-1111 | St-Jean-sur-Richelieu | QC |
Clinique radiologique Lévis-Métro 5700, boul. Etienne-Dallaire 418 838-9927 | Lévis | QC |
Clinique radiologique St-Louis Inc. 3165, chemin St-Louis 418-653-1890 www.radiologiestlouis.com | Québec | QC |
Clinix Val-Bélair 204 – 1147 Boul. Pie XI Nord www.cliniximagerie.com | Québec | QC |
Clinix, imagerie médicale et intervention - La Cité 295 - 2600, boul. Laurier 418-653-9933 www.cliniximagerie.com | Québec | QC |
Colchester East Hants Health Centre 600 Abenaki Road 902-893-5554 www.cehha.nshealth.ca | Truro | NS |
College Diagnostic Imaging 474 College Street 416-925-3823 www.humbervalleyimaging.com | Toronto | ON |
Collingwood General and Marine Hospital 459 Hume Street www.cgmh.on.ca | Collingwood | ON |
Comox Valley Hospital 101 Lerwick Road 250-331-5949 www.viha.ca | Courtenay | BC |
Cornwall Community Hospital 840 McConnell Avenue 613-938-4240 x 4451 www.cornwallhospital.ca | Cornwall | ON |
Cottrelle Diagnostic Imaging 10 Cottrelle Boulevard 905-794-0626 | Brampton | ON |
Courtice Health Imaging Centre 1450 Highway #2 905-721-3588 www.oshawaclinic.com | Courtice | ON |
Cowichan District Hospital - SMPBC 3045 Gibbins Road 250-709-3034 www.viha.ca | Duncan | BC |
Credit Valley Diagnostic Centre 103A - 2000 Credit Valley Road 905-828-2066 www.cvdc.ca | Mississauga | ON |
Credit Valley Imaging Inc. 2300 Eglinton Avenue West 905-828-0653 www.myhealthcentre.ca | Mississauga | ON |
Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre 19428 Highway #2 www.cha.nshealth.ca | Amherst | NS |
CUSM - Hôpital Royal Victoria - Clinique du sein des cèdres 1001, boul. Decarie 514-843-2829 www.cedars.ca | Montréal | QC |
Cypress Regional Hospital - Screening Program for Breast Cancer 2004 Saskatchewan Drive www.cypresshealth.ca | Swift Current | SK |
Danforth/Main Medical Diagnostics Ltd. 2494 Danforth Ave, Suite 3A 416-691-5071 www.danforthmain.com | Toronto | ON |
Dawson Creek & District Hospital 11100 - 13th Street www.northernhealth.ca | Dawson Creek | BC |
Deep River and District Hospital 117 Banting Drive www.drdh.org | Deep River | ON |
Devon X-Ray Clinic Suite 102, 106 Erie Street S 780-987-3900 | Devon | AB |
Dixie X-Ray Associates Ltd. - The Lastman Clinic Oakdale Radiology 2065 Finch Avenue West 416-745-8050 | Toronto | ON |
Dixie X-Ray Breast Imaging Centre 3461 Dixie Road 905-625-9886 www.dixiexray.com | Mississauga | ON |
Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital - Horizon Health 700 Priestman Street 506-452-5400 www.horizonnb.ca | Fredericton | NB |
Dr. F. H. Wigmore Regional Hospital 55 Diefenbaker Drive 306-694-0381 https://www.fhhr.ca/MooseJawHospital.htm | Moose Jaw | SK |
Dr. G.B. Cross Memorial Hospital 67 Manitoba Drive 709-466-5240 www.easternehealth.ca | Clarenville | NF |
Dragon City X-Ray & Ultrasound 280 Spadina Avenue, Suite 306 416-603-1197 | Toronto | ON |
Dundas Medical Imaging 201-60 Hatt Street 905-627-4625 | Dundas | ON |
Durham Medical Centre (Durham Ultrasound) 1-605 Brock St N (905) 493-9447 www.durhammedicalcentre.com | Whitby | ON |
Durham Radiology Associates 95 Bayly Street West 905-428-0444 www.durhamradiology.ca | Ajax | ON |
East Kootenay Regional Hospital 13 - 24th Ave. North 250-417-3586 www.interiorhealth.ca | Cranbrook | BC |
EFW Radiology - Airdrie 204, 836 First Avenue NW 403-541-1200 www.efwrad.com | Airdrie | AB |
EFW Radiology - Beddington Towne Centre 8120 Beddington Blvd. NW 403-541-1200 www.efwrad.com | Calgary | AB |
EFW Radiology - Seton Clinic #212, 3883 Front Street SE 403-541-1200 www.efward.com | Calgary | AB |
EFW Radiology - Southport Atrium A8, 10333 Southport Road SW 403-541-1200 www.efwrad.com | Calgary | AB |
Ellesmere X-Ray Associates 2880 Ellesmere Road 416-284-1697 www.exr.ca | Scarborough | ON |
Erie Shores Healthcare 194 Talbot Street West | Leamington | ON |
Erin Diagnostic Imaging 2 Thompson Crescent 519-833-0000 www.erindiagnosticimaging.com | Erin | ON |
Finchgate X-Ray & Ultrasound JBV Management, Valence Medical Imaging 40 Finchgate Blvd., Suite 320 905-792-8440 | Bramalea | ON |
Foothills Medical Centre 1403 - 29 Street NW 403-944-1969 www.albertahealthservices.ca | Calgary | AB |
Fort St-John Hospital & Residential Care Facility Fort St. John Hospital 8407-112th Avenue 250-261-7424 | Fort St-John | BC |
Frontier Diagnostics Box 2294 - 231 2nd Ave | Strathmore | AB |
Gam Diagnostic Imaging Bramalea XRay & U/S 18 Kensington Road, Suite 206 905-793-5858 www.gamdi.ca | Brampton | ON |
GAM Diagnostic Imaging Torbram & North Park XRay & U/S 2130 North Park Drive 905-789-5627 www.gamdi.ca | Brampton | ON |
Gam Diagnostic Imaging 1235 Trafalgar Road, Suite B4 www.gamdi.ca | Oakville | ON |
Glenwood Radiology Chappelle 6403 Cartmell Place SW glenwoodradiology.com | Edmonton | AB |
Glenwood Radiology Spruce Grove 20 Westwind Drive, Suite 212 587-461-2221 | Spruce Grove | AB |
Glenwood Radiology Unit 107, 16028 100A Avenue 780-705-9982 www.glenwoodradiology.com | Edmonton | AB |
GNMI - Greater Niagara Medical Imaging 200 Brock Street North www.omiclinics.ca | Whitby | ON |
GNMI Stratford 444 Douro Street 519-273-1721 www.gnmi.ca | Stratford | ON |
Grand Falls General Hospital 625 E. H. Daigle Blvd. 506-473-7527 www.vitalitenb.ca | Grand Falls | NB |
Grande Prairie Regional Hospital 11205 110th street 852-412-4327 | Grande Prairie | AB |
Greater Niagara Medical Imaging – St. Catharines 464 Welland Avenue 905-684-6388 www.gnmi.com | St. Catharines | ON |
Greater Niagara Medical Imaging 114-7885 Mcleod Road 905-354-8448 www.gnmi.ca | Niagara Falls | ON |
Group Health Centre 240 McNabb Street 705-759-5657 www.ghc.on.ca | Sault Ste. Marie | ON |
Groves Memorial Community Hospital 131 Frederick Campbell Street 519-843-2010 www.gmch.ca | Fergus | ON |
Guardian Radiology - Canmore 112-1140 Railway Avenue 403-609-3337 www.guardianradiology.com | Canmore | AB |
Guardian Radiology Camrose 1- 6601 48 Avenue 780-672-8220 www.guardianradiology.com | Camrose | AB |
Guelph General Hospital 115 Delhi Street 519-837-6440 www.gghorg.ca | Guelph | ON |
Guelph Medical Imaging 54 Cardigan St 226-314-0778 www.guelphmedicalimaging.com | Guelph | ON |
Haldimand War Memorial Hospital 400 Broad Street W www.hwmh.on.ca | Dunnville | ON |
Halton Healthcare - Georgetown Hospital 1 Princess Anne Drive 905-873-4596 www.haltonhealthcare.com | Georgetown | ON |
Halton Healthcare - Milton District Hospital 725 Bronte Street S. 905-338-4604 www.haltonhealthcare.com | Milton | ON |
Halton Healthcare - Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital 3001 Hospital Gate 905-338-4604 www.haltonhealthcare.com | Oakville | ON |
Hanover & District Hospital 90 7th Avenue 519-364-2340 x 260 www.hdhospital.ca | Hanover | ON |
Hay River Health and Social Services Authority 37911 MacKenzie Hwy 867-874-8020 www.hayriverhealth.ca | Hay River | NT |
Headwaters Health Care Centre 100 Rolling Hills Drive www.headwatershealth.ca | Orangeville | ON |
Health Sciences Centre 820 Sherbrook St., Room GG148 204-787-5050 www.hsc.mb.ca | Winnipeg | MB |
Health Sciences North - Breast Screening and Assessment Service 865 Regent Street South 5th Floor www.hsnsudbury.ca | Sudbury | ON |
Hitek Medical Imaging - 4800 Leslie 4800 Leslie Street 416-493-1011 hitekmedicalimaging.com | North York | ON |
Hitek Medical Imaging 6464 Yonge Street, Unit 101A 416-222-6989 www.hitekmedicalimaging.com | Toronto | ON |
Hôpital Anna-Laberge 200, boulevard Brisebois 450-699-2464 www.santemonteregie.qc.ca | Châteauguay | QC |
Hôpital Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS 450-266-4342 x 35991 www.santemonteregie.qc.ca/lapommeraie/ | Cowansville | QC |
Hôpital de l'Enfant-Jésus RHSJ Imagerie médicale 1, boulevard St-Pierre Ouest 506-726-2100 | Caraquet | NB |
Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal 5400, boul. Gouin ouest 514-338-2222 www.hscm.ca | Montréal | QC |
Hôpital général de Hawkesbury et district 1111 Ghislain Street 613-632-1111 www.hgh.ca | Hawkesbury | ON |
Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont 5415, boul. L´Assomption 514-252-3400 | Montréal | QC |
Hôpital Montfort 713 Montreal Road 613-746-4621 www.hopitalmontfort.com | Ottawa | ON |
Hôpital Régional d'Edmundston 275, boul. Hébert 506-739-2740 www.santevitalitehealth.ca | Edmundston | NB |
Horizon Health Network – The Katherine Wright Centre Breast Health Clinic 100 Arden Street, Suite 100 506-855-2010 | Moncton | NB |
Horizon Health Network - The Moncton Hospital 135 MacBeath Avenue 506-857-5280 www.horizonnb.ca | Moncton | NB |
Hotel Dieu Saint Joseph's Hospital 10 Woodland Hill 506-273-7181 | Perth-Andover | NB |
HPHA Stratford General Hospital Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance - Stratford General Hospital 46 General Hospital Drive 5192728210 | Stratford | ON |
Humber Bay Medical Imaging (HBMI) 103-3101 Bloor Street West 416-239-3568 | Toronto | ON |
Humber River Hospital 1235 Wilson Avenue 2nd Level Breast Health www.hrh.ca | Toronto | ON |
Humber Valley Imaging - PDS Imaging 2 Champagne Dr, Suite B23 416-741-2766 www.humbervalleyimaging.com | North York | ON |
Imagerie Terrebonne Inc. 901, boul. des Seigneurs 450-471-1477 www.imagerieterrebonne.com | Terrebonne | QC |
IMAGIX - Radiologie Boucherville 600, boul. du Fort St-Louis 514-294-3446 www.imagixmedical.com | Boucherville | QC |
IMAGIX - Radiologie Brossard 2340, boul. Lapinière, local A 514-866-6622 www.imagixmedical.com | Brossard | QC |
IMAGIX - Radiologie Châteauguay 230, boul. Brisebois 514-866-6622 www.imagixmedical.com | Châteauguay | QC |
IMAGIX - Radiologie Chomedey 610, boul Curé-Labelle 514-866-6622 www.imagixmedical.com | Laval | QC |
IMAGIX - Radiologie Granby 66, rue de la Court 514-866-6622 www.imagixmedical.com | Granby | QC |
IMAGIX - Radiologie Laënnec 1100, avenue Beaumont 514-866-6622 www.imagixmedical.com | Mont-Royal | QC |
IMAGIX - Radiologie Ste-Thérèse 233, rue Turgeon, bureau 104 514-294-3446 www.imagixmedical.com | Ste-Thérèse | QC |
IMAGIX - Radiologie St-Eustache 375 ave Mathers 514-866-6622 www.imagixmedical.com | St-Eustache | QC |
IMAGIX - Radiologie St-Laurent 1605, boul. Marcel-Laurin 514-866-6622 www.imagixmedical.com | Ville St-Laurent | QC |
IMAGIX Radiologie Montréal-Nord 5632, boul. Henri-Bourassa Est 514-294-3446 www.imagixmedical.com | Montréal-Nord | QC |
Impexxus Medical Imaging Oshawa X-Ray & Ultrasound 11 Gibb Street 905-579-1445 | Oshawa | ON |
Insight Lendrum Women's Imaging 10381-51st Avenue 780-669-2222 www.x-ray.ca | Edmonton | AB |
Insight Medical Imaging - Breast Centre Castledowns 15309 Castledowns Road www.x-ray.ca | Edmonton | AB |
Insight Medical Imaging - Breast Centre Fort McMurray 606 Signal Rd 780-669-2222 www.x-ray.ca | Fort McMurray | AB |
Insight Medical Imaging - Breast Centre Heritage 2049 - 111 Street 780-489-5313 www.x-ray.ca | Edmonton | AB |
Insight Medical Imaging - Breast Centre Leduc 5307-50 Avenue 780-489-5313 www.x-ray.ca | Leduc | AB |
Insight Medical Imaging - Breast Centre Meadowlark 200 Meadowlark Health Centre 156 Street & 89 Avenue 780-489-5313 | Edmonton | AB |
Insight Medical Imaging - Breast Centre Millwoods 6466-28 Avenue 780-489-5313 www.xray.ca | Edmonton | AB |
Insight Medical Imaging - Breast Centre Sherwood Park 136 Athabascan Avenue 780-489-5313 www.x-ray.ca | Sherwood Park | AB |
Insight Medical Imaging - Breast Centre Spruce Grove 107, 505 Queen Street 780-489-5313 www.x-ray.ca | Spruce Grove | AB |
Insight Medical Imaging Breast Centre Hermitage 12779 - 50 Street 780-489-5313 | Edmonton | AB |
Insight Medical Imaging Breast Centre Unity Square 11560 104 Avenue NW 780-489-5313 www.x-ray.ca | Edmonton | AB |
Insight Medical Imaging Grange 2460 Guardian Rd NW | Edmonton | AB |
Insight Medical Imaging St. Albert 110-75 Neil Ross Road | St. Albert | AB |
INSPQ - Services cliniques de dépistage 945, avenue Wolfe 5e étage 418 650-5115 | Ste-Foy | QC |
Island Health - Campbell River General Hospital 375-2nd Avenue | Campbell River | BC |
IWK Health Centre Breast Imaging 5850/5980 University Avenue | Halifax | NS |
James Paton Memorial Hospital 125 Trans Canada Highway 709-256-5728 www.centralhealth.nl.ca | Gander | NF |
Jewish General Hospital Breast Imaging Center 3755 Côte Ste. Catherine Road 514-340-7997 | Montréal | QC |
Joseph Brant Hospital 1245 Lakeshore Road 905-336-4126 www.josephbranthospital.ca | Burlington | ON |
Kemptville District Hospital 2675 Concession Road 613-258-6133 x 209 www.kdh.on.ca | Kemptville | ON |
Kensington Diagnostic Imaging Centre 340 College Street, Suite 410 416-962-3202 www.kensingtonhealth.org | Toronto | ON |
Kente X-Ray & Ultrasound 470 Dundas Street East 613-962-4226 | Belleville | ON |
Keswick Advanced Imaging 23546 Woodbine Avenue 905-989-0911 www.keswickadvanceimaging.com | Keswick | ON |
Labrador Health Centre 227 N W River Rd | Happy Valley-Goose Bay | NF |
Labrador West Health centre 1700 Nichols-Adam Highway | Labrador City | NF |
Lake of the Woods District Hospital 21 Sylvan Street West 807-468-9861 www.lwdh.on.ca | Kenora | ON |
Lakeridge Health Ajax - Pickering Hospital 580 Harwood Avenue South 905-721-4717 lakeridgehealth.on.ca | Ajax | ON |
Lakeridge Health Bowmanville 47 Liberty Street South www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca | Bowmanville | ON |
Lakeridge Health Oshawa 1 Hospital Court www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca | Oshawa | ON |
Langley Memorial Hospital SMPBC Langley Screening Center 22051 Fraser Highway 604-514-6044 | Langley | BC |
Léger Radiologie Inc. 1851, rue Sherbrooke Est 514-523-2121 www.legerradiologie.qc.ca | Montréal | QC |
Lennox and Addington County General Hospital 8 Richmond Park Drive web.lacgh.napanee.on.ca | Napanee | ON |
Les Services Radiologiques de Joliette 175, rue de la Visitation 450-759-6668 | St-Charles-Borromée | QC |
Lighthouse Medical Imaging - Finch 4168 Finch Avenue East 416-293-5940 www.lighthousemedical.ca | Scarborough | ON |
Lighthouse Medical Imaging - GTA East Medical Imaging 100-5 Fairview Mall Drive 416-499-3559 www.lighthousemedical.ca | Toronto | ON |
Limeworth X-Ray & Ultrasound 849 Upper Wentworth Street, Suite 102 | Hamilton | ON |
Listowel Memorial Hospital 255 Elizabeth Street East 519-291-3120 www.lwha.ca | Listowel | ON |
Lloydminster Hospital - Screening Program for Breast Cancer 3820-43rd Avenue 306-820-6045 www.pnrha.ca | Lloydminster | SK |
Lloydminster Medical Imaging 4121 - 70 Avenue 780-875-4600 www.guardianradiology.com | Lloydminster | AB |
London X-Ray Associates 450 Central Avenue 519-672-7900 www.lxa.on.ca | London | ON |
London X-Ray Associates 595 Bradley Avenue 519-672-7900 www.lxa.on.ca | London | ON |
Mackenzie Richmond Hill Hospital 10 Trench Street www.mackenziehealth.ca | Richmond Hill | ON |
Manitoba X-ray Clinic 3263 Portage Avenue 204-943-7301 | Winnipeg | MB |
Markham Diagnostic Centre 5293 Highway 7 East Ste 7&8 905-294-6020 mdcimaging.com | Markham | ON |
Mayfair Diagnostics - Aspen Landing 105, 339 Aspen Glen Landing SW 403-777-3000 www.radiology.ca | Calgary | AB |
Mayfair Diagnostics - Coventry Hills 130 Country Village Road NE 403-777-3000 www.radiology.ca | Calgary | AB |
Mayfair Diagnostics - Mahogany Village 230 - 3 Mahogany Row SE 403-777-3000 www.radiology.ca | Calgary | AB |
Mayfair Diagnostics - Market Mall 333, 4935 - 40 Avenue NW 403-777-3000 www.radiology.ca | Calgary | AB |
Mayfair Diagnostics - Mayfair Place 132, 6707 Elbow Drive SW 403-777-3000 www.radiology.ca | Calgary | AB |
Mayfair Diagnostics - Sunpark Professional Centre 125, 40 Sunpark Plaza SE 403-777-3000 www.radiology.ca | Calgary | AB |
Mayfair Diagnostics - The Core 417 - 751 - 3 Street SW 403-777-3000 www.radiology.ca | Calgary | AB |
Mayfair Diagnostics - Westbrook 200, 1610 - 37 Street SW 403-777-3000 www.radiology.ca | Calgary | AB |
Mayfair Diagnostics Beacon Heights 440, 12024 Sarcee Trail NW | Calgary | AB |
Mayfair Diagnostics Castleridge 20 - 55 Castleridge Blvd. NE 403-777-3000 www.radiology.ca | Calgary | AB |
Mayfair Diagnostics Cochrane 116 Grande Blvd. 403-777-3000 radiology.ca | Cochrane | AB |
Mayfair Diagnostics Crowfoot 401 - 400 Crowfoot Crescent NW 403-777-3000 www.radiology.ca | Calgary | AB |
Mayfair Diagnostics Southcentre 177, 100 Anderson Road SE 403-777-3000 www.radiology.ca | Calgary | AB |
Mayfair Diagnostics Sunridge 150, 3363- 26 Ave NE | Calgary | AB |
Medical Centre Holdings (Peterborough) Ltd. 707 Charlotte Street 705-876-4505 www.themedicalcentre.net | Peterborough | ON |
Medical Imaging - Gateway 107-6925 Gateway Boulevard NW 780-450-1500 www.mic.ca | Edmonton | AB |
Medical Imaging Consultants - Century Park 2377-111 Street NW, Suite 201 www.mic.ca | Edmonton | AB |
Medical Imaging Consultants - HYS Centre # 202 - 11010 101 Street NW www.mic.ca | Edmonton | AB |
Medical Imaging Consultants - Namao Centre 205 15961-97 Street NW www.mic.ca | Edmonton | AB |
Medical Imaging Consultants - Synergy Wellness Centre 501 Bethel Drive, Suite 109 www.mic.ca | Sherwood Park | AB |
Medical Imaging Consultants - Tawa Centre 200 - 3017 66 Street NW www.mic.ca | Edmonton | AB |
Medical Imaging Consultants - Terra Losa 9566 170 Street NW 780-450-1500 www.mic.ca | Edmonton | AB |
Med-Scan Ultrasound Services Ltd. 2810 Major MacKenzie Drive 905-832-9125 | Maple | ON |
Merival Medical Imaging 110 Michael Cowpland Drive 613-727-1072 www.mmimaging.com | Kanata | ON |
Merivale Medical Imaging 1370 Clyde Avenue 613-727-1072 www.mmimaging.com | Ottawa | ON |
Metro Radiology Woodbridge 4600 Highway 7 416-781-2050 www.bluewaterimaging.ca | Woodbridge | ON |
MIC - Currents of Windermere #201 6103 - Currents Drive NW www.mic.ca | Edmonton | AB |
MIC - Southpointe #115 9332 Southfort Drive 780-450-1500 www.mic.ca | Fort Saskatchewan | AB |
Michael Garron Hospital 825 Coxwell Avenue 416-469-6580 www.tehn.ca | Toronto | ON |
Mills Memorial Hospital - SMP 11 4720 Haugland Avenue 250-638-4046 | Terrace | BC |
Milton Diagnostic Imaging 212-480 Bronte Street South 905-878-8831 www.myhealthcentre.ca | Milton | ON |
Miramichi Regional Hospital - Horizon Health Network 500 Water Street 506-623-3149 www.horizonNB.ca | Miramichi | NB |
Mississauga Diagnostic Imaging and Breast Centre 801 Dundas Street East 905-897-9711 www.insightdiagnosticimaging.ca | Mississauga | ON |
Mount Saint Joseph Hospital 3080 Prince Edward Street 604-877-8323 www.providencehealthcare.org | Vancouver | BC |
Mount Sinai Hospital Marvelle Koffler Breast Centre 600 University Avenue www.sinaihealthsystem.ca | Toronto | ON |
Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare - Huntsville Hospital 100 Frank Miller Drive www.mahc.ca | Huntsville | ON |
Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare - South Muskoka Site 75 Ann Street 705-645-4404 www.mahc.ca | Bracebridge | ON |
My Health Centre - London Fanshawe 301-1055 Fanshawe Park Rd W 519-439-5555 myhealthcentre.ca | London | ON |
My Health Centre - London Wharncliffe 279 Wharncliffe Road North 519-661-0275 www.myhealthcentre.ca | London | ON |
My Health Centre - North York 4949 Bathurst Street 416-223-5460 www.oxfordmedicalimaging.ca | Toronto | ON |
My Health Centre - Pickering 202-1105 Kingston Road 2nd Floor, Building D 289-204-3441 | Pickering | ON |
My Health Centre - Sarnia 481 London Road 1-888-253-3073 myhealthcentre.ca | Sarnia | ON |
My Health Centre 40 Elm Street, Suite 255 705-673-2565 www.myhealthcentre.ca | Sudbury | ON |
My Health Centre 17730 Leslie Street 289-716-5299 | Newmarket | ON |
Niagara Health System - St. Catharines Site 1200 Fourth Avenue www.niagarahealth.on.ca | St. Catharines | ON |
Norfolk General Hospital 365 West Street 519-426-4006 www.ngh.on.ca | Simcoe | ON |
North Bay Regional Health Centre 50 College Drive 705-474-8600 | North Bay | ON |
North Shore Breast Screening Centre 100 126 East 15th Street 604 903 3865 www.screeningbc.ca/breast | North Vancouver | BC |
North Shore Medical Imaging Inc. 139 16th Street West 604-987-9729 www.nsmi.ca | North Vancouver | BC |
North York General Hospital - General Site 4001 Leslie Street 416-756-6931 www.nygh.on.ca | North York | ON |
North York General Outpatient Services 2 Champagne Drive 416-756-6931 www.nygh.on.ca | Toronto | ON |
Northern Lights Regional Health Centre 7 Hospital Street 780-714-5610 www.albertahealthservices.ca | Fort McMurray | AB |
Northumberland Hills Hospital 1000 DePalma Drive 905-377-7795 www.nhh.ca | Cobourg | ON |
Northwest Imaging Associates 960 Lawrence Avenue West 416-781-2050 www.bluewaterimaging.ca | Toronto | ON |
Notre-Dame Hospital 1405 Edward Street, Bag 8000 705-372-2956 www.ndh.on.ca | Hearst | ON |
Nova Scotia Breast Screening - CCHC Site 40 Freer Lane 1-800-565-0548 www.breastscreening.nshealth.ca | Lower Sackville | NS |
Nova Scotia Breast Screening - Dartmouth Site 325 Pleasant Street 1-800-565-0548 www.breastscreening.nshealth.ca | Dartmouth | NS |
Nova Scotia Breast Screening - Halifax Site 7001 Mumford Road, Unit 603L 1-800-565-0548 breastscreening.nshealth.ca | Halifax | NS |
Oak Ridges Medical Diagnostic Imaging Inc. 13291 Younge Street 905-773-6861 www.ormdi.ca | Richmond Hill | ON |
Oak Valley Health, Markham Stouffville site 381 Church Street 905-472-7020 www.oakvalleyhealth.ca | Markham | ON |
OBSP - Greater Niagara General Hospital 5546 Portage Road 905-358-0171 x 54952 | Niagara Falls | ON |
OBSP - Hamilton - Screen for Life Coach 711 Concession Street Lakeview Lodge 2nd floor 905-389-0101 | Hamilton | ON |
OBSP - Ottawa Regional Centre Hampton Park Plaza 1419 Carling Avenue, Suite 214 www.ottawahospital.on.ca | Ottawa | ON |
OMI - Bathurst Medical Centre X-Ray & Ultrasound 104-4256 Bathurst Street 905-731-4001 www.omiclinics.ca | North York | ON |
OMI - Chalmers Gate X-ray & Ultrasound 328 Highway 7 East, Suite 309 905-731-4001 www.omiclinics.ca | Richmond Hill | ON |
OMI - Georgetown X-Ray and Ultrasound 99 Sinclair Avenue 905-873-4600 www.omiclinics.ca | Georgetown | ON |
OMI Huronia Medical Center X-Ray & U/S 240 Penetang Road, Suite 210 705-526-5000 www.omiclinics.ca | Midland | ON |
Ontario Diagnostic Centre - Lawrence W. 491 Lawrence Ave West www.cmlhealthcare.com | North York | ON |
Ontario Diagnostic Centres - Albion 1525 Albion Rd, LL4 416-741-5661 | Etobicoke | ON |
Ontario Diagnostic Centres - Clarkson 1020 Johnson's Lane 905-822-9671 www.ontdc.com | Mississauga | ON |
Ontario Diagnostic Centres - Credit Valley 5055 Plantation Place Suite 2 www.ontdc.com | Mississauga | ON |
Ontario Diagnostic Centres - Etobicoke 85 The East Mall - LF-01 416-621-3961 www.ontdc.com | Toronto | ON |
Ontario Diagnostic Centres - King Street 71 King St. West, Suite 102 905-897-1144 www.ontdc.com | Mississauga | ON |
Ontario Diagnostic Centres - Square One 3950 Grand Park Drive 905-896-2900 www.ontdc.com | Mississauga | ON |
Ontario Diagnostic Centres - Woodbridge 8077 Islington Avenue 905-856-7061 | Woodbridge | ON |
Ontario Diagnostic Centres (ODC) - Brampton 36 Vodden Street East, suite 104 905-455-5455 | Brampton | ON |
Ontario Medical Imaging - Orillia 119 Memorial Avenue 705-326-2244 www.omiclinics.ca | Orillia | ON |
Orangeville Medical Imaging 314 Broadway Avenue 519-942-3101 | Orangeville | ON |
Orillia Soldiers' Memorial Hospital 170 Colbourne Steet West 705-325-2201 www.osmh.on.ca | Orillia | ON |
Oromocto Public Hospital - Horizon Health Network Breast Screening Center 103 Winnebago Street 506-357-4747 | Oromocto | NB |
Paris Medical Imaging - Brantford Radiology Group 25 Curtis Ave, N, Suite 102 226-806-5829 | Paris | ON |
Peace Diagnostic Imaging 9815 - 97th Street 780-532-5648 | Grande Prairie | AB |
Peace River Community Health Centre 10101 - 68 Street 780-624-7518 | Peace River | AB |
Pembroke Regional Hospital 705 MacKay Street 613-732-4141 www.pemreghos.org | Pembroke | ON |
Penticton Regional Hospital 550 Carmi Avenue 250-492-4000 | Penticton | BC |
Perth & Smiths Falls District Hospital 33 Drummond Street West www.psfdh.on.ca | Perth | ON |
Peterborough Regional Health Centre Breast Assessment Centre 1 Hospital Drive 705-740-8166 | Peterborough | ON |
Phenix Imaging 595 Montreal Road | Ottawa | ON |
Pickering Diagnostic Imaging Centre 106-1885 Glenanna Road 905-831-2255 www.pickeringimaging.com | Pickering | ON |
Port Hope X-Ray and Ultrasound Bluewater Imaging 249 Ontario Street 905-885-9839 | Port Hope | ON |
Port Perry Imaging 462 Paxton Street 905-985-9727 www.portperryimaging.com | Port Perry | ON |
Prairie Skies Medical Imaging P.C. Inc. 6-2727 Parliament Avenue 306 779-1500 | Regina | SK |
Premier Imaging 4289 Innes Road 613-686-1904 www.premierimaging.ca | Orleans | ON |
Prince County Hospital 65 Roy Boates Avenue 1-902-438-4335 www.healthpei.ca | Summerside | PE |
Prince Rupert Regional Hospital – SMPBC 09 1325 Summit Avenue 250-622-6172 www.northermhealth.ca | Prince Rupert | BC |
Pureform Diagnostic Imaging - Airdrie 20-105 Main Street N. 403-726-9729 www.mypureform.com | Airdrie | AB |
Pureform Diagnostic Imaging - Crowfoot 350-600 Crowfoot Cresc. NW 403-726-9729 www.mypureform.com | Calgary | AB |
Pureform Diagnostic Imaging - Macleod Macleod Professional Centre 200-3916 Macleod Trail SE 403-726-9729 | Calgary | AB |
Pureform Diagnostic Imaging - South Trail 519-4916 130 Avenue SE 403-726-9729 | Calgary | AB |
Quantum Medical Imaging Services Inc. 402-2330 Kennedy Road 416-756-7667 www.qmis.ca | Scarborough | ON |
Queen Elizabeth Health Complex 2100 Marlowe Ave 514-485-5115 www.qehc.org | Montréal | QC |
Queen Elizabeth Hospital 60 Riverside Drive 9028942914 www.healthpei.ca | Charlottetown | PE |
Queen West X-Ray and Ultrasound Services 400 Queen Street West 2nd Floor 905-454-3173 | Brampton | ON |
Queensway Carleton Hospital 3045 Baseline Road 613-721-4711 www.qch.on.ca | Nepean | ON |
Quinte Health - Belleville General Hospital 265 Dundas Street East 613-969-7400 www.qhc.on.ca | Belleville | ON |
Quinte Health - Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital 403 Main Street East (613)969-7400 www.qhc.on.ca | Picton | ON |
Quinte Health - Trenton Memorial Hospital 242 King Street 613-969-7400 www.qhc.on.ca | Trenton | ON |
Radimed - West Island 215, ave Frobisher 514-697-9940 www.radimed.ca | Pointe-Claire | QC |
Radimed Vaudreuil-Dorion 600, boul. Harwood 450-218-6111 www.radimed.ca | Vaudreuil-Dorion | QC |
Radimed Westmount Square 1 Westmount Square, C-210 514-939-9764 www.radimed.ca | Westmount | QC |
Radimed-Pierrefonds 12774, boul. Gouin Ouest 514-822-7456 www.radimed.ca | Pierrefonds | QC |
Radimed-Valleyfield Clinique médicale des bâtisseurs 616 chemin Larocque, 2e étage 450-371-6442 | Salaberry-de-Valleyfield | QC |
Radiologie 6892116 Canada Inc. 955, boul. St-Jean 514-459-0250 | Pointe Claire | QC |
Radiologie Beloeil-St-Hilaire 665, boul. Laurier 450-467-6272 www.radiologiepb.com | Beloeil | QC |
Radiologie Ellendale 5950, Chemin Côte-des-Neiges 514-739-6169 www.radiologiemedica.com | Montréal | QC |
Radiologie LaSalle 1500, avenue Dollard #101 514-507-2006 #2233 www.groupeunimage.com | Lasalle | QC |
Radiologie Mailloux Inc. 1825, boulevard Henri-Bourassa 418-667-6041 www.radiologiemailloux.com | Québec | QC |
Radiologie P.B. 3090, chemin Chambly 450-646-3520 www.radiologiepb.com | Longueuil | QC |
Radiologie St-Martin & Bois-de-Boulogne Inc. Succursale Bois-de-Boulogne 1575, Boul. Henri-Bourassa O 514-331-8212 | Montréal | QC |
Radiologie St-Martin & Bois-de-Boulogne Inc. Succursale St-Martin 1435, boul. St-Martin Ouest 514-331-8212 | Laval | QC |
Radiologie TELUS Santé 6100, avenue du Boisé 514-739-6301 www.plexo.ca | Montréal | QC |
Radiologie Trois-Rivières 1785, boul. du Carmel 819-375-5553 www.radiologie3r.com | Trois-Rivières | QC |
Radiologie Varad 4 Complexe Desjardin, niveau 4 514-281-1355 www.radiologievarad.com | Montréal | QC |
RadiologiX Concorde 300, boul. Concorde Est 450-667-2300 www.radiologix.ca | Laval | QC |
RadiologiX Hochelaga 9080, rue Hochelaga 514-353-5730 x 29200 www.radiologix.ca | Montréal | QC |
RadiologiX Montréal-Nord 12421 BLV Lacordaire, suite 320 514-228-5153 www.radiologix.ca | Montréal | QC |
RadiologiX Outaouais 4 rue Taschereau suite 140 | Gatineau | QC |
RadiologiX Sorel-Tracy 201, avenue Hotel-Dieu, suite 102 450-742-0433 www.radiologix.ca | Sorel-Tracy | QC |
RadiologiX St-Jérôme 305 Dr Charles Leonard 514-228-5153 | St-Jérôme | QC |
RadiologiX St-Sauveur 70, rue Principale 514-228-5153 www.radiologix.ca | St-Sauveur | QC |
RadiologiX Verdun Inc. 4475, rue Bannantyne 514-228-5153 www.radiologix.ca | Montréal | QC |
RadiologiX Villeray 320-8560 rue Saint-Hubert 514-228-5153 www.radiologix.ca | Montréal | QC |
Radiology Associates 1122 Scenic Drive South 403-328-1122 lethbridgeradiology.com | Lethbridge | AB |
Radiology Consultants of Winnipeg Ltd. Grant Park Shopping Center Unit 1550-1120 Grant Avenue 204-942-6453 | Winnipeg | MB |
Renfrew Victoria Hospital 499 Raglan Street North 613-432-4851 www.renfrewhosp.com | Renfrew | ON |
Richmond Gardens X-Ray & Ultrasound 1735 Kipling Avenue 416-241-9137 https://richmondgardensxray.com/ | Toronto | ON |
Richmond Hospital - SMP 16 7000 Westminster Hwy 604-244-5505 | Richmond | BC |
Riverside Healthcare Facilities 110 Victoria Avenue 807-274-3261 www.rhcf.on.ca | Fort Frances | ON |
RMI - Rosedale Medical Imaging 600 Sherbourne Street 416-968-1360 | Toronto | ON |
Roncesvalles X-Ray & Ultrasound 27 Roncesvalles Avenue | Toronto | ON |
Ross Memorial Hospital 10 Angeline Street North 705-328-6175 www.rmh.org | Lindsay | ON |
Rossland Imaging Clinic 300 Rossland Rd E, Unit 102 905-426-3111 | Ajax | ON |
Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre 201 Georgian Drive 705-739-5610, ext. 3 | Barrie | ON |
Saddletown Radiology 914 Saddletowne Circle NE 587-623-6650 | Calgary | AB |
Saskatoon Medical Imaging 3110 8th Street East, Unit 3 306-477-1000 www.saskatoonmedicalimaging.ca | Saskatoon | SK |
Sault Area Hospital 750 Great Northern Road 1-833-255-6277 www.sah.on.ca | Sault Ste. Marie | ON |
Scarborough Health Network - Birchmount Hospital 3030 Birchmount Road www.shn.ca | Scarborough | ON |
Scarborough Health Network(SHN) Centenary Site 2867 Ellesmere Road 416-281-7299 www.shn.ca | Scarborough | ON |
Scarborough Radiologists G03-3000 Lawrence Avenue East 416-438-6636 | Scarborough | ON |
Screen for Life Coach 984 Oliver Road 807-684-7777 www.tbrhsc.net | Thunder Bay | ON |
Screening Mammography Site #24 #108 - 3242 Westwood Street 604-927-2130 | Port Coquitlam | BC |
Screening Program For Breast Cancer - Mobile Unit 100-4545 Parliament Ave. 1-639-635-3106 www.saskcancer.ca | Regina | SK |
Screening Program for Breast Cancer - North Battleford Satellite Site Union Hospital 1092 - 107th Street 306-446-6072 | North Battleford | SK |
Screening Program For Breast Cancer - Regina Centre 100-4545 Parliament Ave. 1-855-584-8228 www.saskcancer.ca | Regina | SK |
Screening Program for Breast Cancer – Saskatoon Centre 130 - 1804 McOrmond Drive 1-639-635-3106 www.saskcancer.ca | Saskatoon | SK |
Screening Program for Breast Cancer - Victoria Hospital 1200 - 24th Street West 855-584-8228 | Prince Albert | SK |
Sechelt Hospital Mammography 5544 Sunshine Coast Hwy 604-885-8608 www.vch.ca | Sechelt | BC |
Sensenbrenner Hospital 101 Progress Crescent 705-337-4010 www.senhosp.ca | Kapuskasing | ON |
Shift Imaging Inc. Unit 103 – 10514 67 Ave (587) 495-9817 https://shiftimaging.ca/ | Grande Prairie | AB |
Shuswap Lake Hospital 601 - 10th Street NE | Salmon Arm | BC |
Simcoe Diagnostic Imaging 65 Donly Drive North 519-426-5068 www.humbervalleyimaging.com | Simcoe | ON |
Sioux Lookout Meno Ya Win Health Centre 1 Meno Ya Win Way, Box 909 807-737-6579 www.slmhc.on.ca | Sioux Lookout | ON |
Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital 142 Minnesota Drive www.westernhealth.nl.ca | Stephenville | NF |
SMP 46 - Jim Pattison Outpatient Care & Surgery Centre 2nd Floor - 9750 140th Street 604-582-4592 www.fraserhealth.ca | Surrey | BC |
SMPBC - Abbotsford Centre Abbotsford Regional Hospital 32900 Marshall Road 604-851-4700 | Abbotsford | BC |
SMPBC - BC Women's Health Centre 4500 Oak Street, Room E2 604-775-0022 | Vancouver | BC |
SMPBC - Cariboo Memorial Hospital - Williams Lake 517 North 6th Avenue 250-302-3220 | Williams Lake | BC |
SMPBC - Delta Hospital 5800 Mountain View Blvd. | Ladner (Delta) | BC |
SMPBC - G.R. Baker Memorial Hospital - Quesnel Ancillary 543 Front Street 250-985-5680 www.northernhealth.ca | Quesnel | BC |
SMPBC - Kelowna Centre 108 - 3330 Richter St. 250-861-7560 | Kelowna | BC |
SMPBC - Nanaimo Centre 1804 Bowen Road - Suite B 250-716-5904 | Nanaimo | BC |
SMPBC - White Rock White Rock Breast Screening Center #15 Berkley Pavillion, Peace Arch Hospital 604-535-4512 | White Rock | BC |
SMPBC 03 - Kamloops Screening Mammography Centre 102 - 300 Columbia St. 250-828-4916 | Kamloops | BC |
SMPBC 19 - Powell River General Hospital 5000 Joyce Avenue 604-485-3282 www.vch.ca | Powell River | BC |
SMPBC 29 - Chilliwack General Hospital 45600 Menholm Road 1-800-663-9203 www.fraserhealth.ca | Chilliwack | BC |
SMPBC Burnaby Centre / Brooke Radiology 115-4980 Kingsway 6044366212 www.brookeimaging.ca | Burnaby | BC |
SMPBC Mobile Operations - I/K & N/LM Suite 200 - 601 W Broadway 1-800-663-9203 www.smpbc.ca | Vancouver | BC |
SMPBC Vancouver - Victoria Drive 5752 Victoria Drive 604-321-6770 www.greigassociates.com | Vancouver | BC |
SMPBC Victoria Centre - West Coast Medical Imaging #305 - 1990 Fort Street 250-952-4233 www.westcoastmedicalimaging.com | Victoria | BC |
SORAD Clinique Bélanger 3000, rue Belanger Est 514-254-0286 www.sorad.ca | Montréal | QC |
SORAD Clinique Maisonneuve 5345, boul. de l´Assomption 514-254-0286 www.sorad.ca | Montréal | QC |
South Bruce Grey Health Centre - Kincardine Site 1199 Queen Street 519-396-3331 www.sbghc.on.ca | Kincardine | ON |
South Bruce Grey 21 McGivern Street 519-881-1220 www.sbghc.on.ca | Walkerton | ON |
South Shore Regional Hospital 90 Glen Allan Drive | Bridgewater | NS |
Southlake Regional Health Centre 581 Davis Drive www.southlakeregional.org | Newmarket | ON |
Southmount Medical Imaging 35 Upper Centennial Parkway 905-387-4551 | Stoney Creek | ON |
St. Clair Diagnostic Imaging 1223 St. Clair Avenue West 416-656-6034 www.humbervalleyimaging.com | Toronto | ON |
St. Clare's Mercy Hospital 154 LeMarchant Road 709-777-5631 www.easternehealth.ca | St. John's | NF |
St. Francis Memorial Hospital 7 St. Francis Memorial Drive www.sfmhosp.com | Barrys Bay | ON |
St. Joseph's Health Care - London 268 Grosvenor Street 519-646-6044 www.sjhc.london.on.ca | London | ON |
St. Joseph's Health Centre 30 The Queensway 4165306486 www.stjoestoronto.ca | Toronto | ON |
St. Joseph's Healthcare - Hamilton 100 West 5th St 9055221155 www.stjoes.ca | Hamilton | ON |
St. Joseph's Healthcare - King Campus, OBSP & WHC 2757 King Street East 905-573-4849 www.stjoes.ca | Hamilton | ON |
St. Joseph's Hospital 130 Bayard Drive 506-632-5721 | Saint John | NB |
St. Martha's Regional Hospital 25 Bay Street 902-867-4500 www.gasha.nshealth.ca | Antigonish | NS |
St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital 189 Elm Street 519-631-2030 x 2000 www.stegh.on.ca | St. Thomas | ON |
Stanton Territorial Hospital Breast Screening Program 548 Byrne Road 867-765-4020 | Yellowknife | NT |
Stevenson Memorial Hospital 200 Fletcher Crescent 705-435-6281 www.stevensonhospital.ca | Alliston | ON |
Strathroy Middlesex General Hospital 395 Carrie Street 519-245-1550 www.mhalliance.on.ca | Strathroy | ON |
Sturgeon Medical Women’s Imaging Centre 110 - 625 St. Albert Trail www.mic.ca | St. Albert | AB |
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre 2075 Bayview Avenue 416-480-4337 www.sunnybrook.ca | Toronto | ON |
Sussex Health Centre - Horizon Health Network 75 Leonard Drive 506-432-3225 www.horizonnb.ca | Sussex | NB |
SWIC - Midland-Ellesmere X-Ray & Ultrasound 2025 Midland Avenue 416-296-1911 www.midlandxrayandultrasound.com | Scarborough | ON |
Temiskaming Hospital 421 Shepherdson Road 705-647-1088 | New Liskeard | ON |
The Mammographic Imaging Services of the Hôpital Dr. Georges L. Dumont 330 Avenue Université 506-862-4027 vitalitenb.ca/fr/points-de-service | Moncton | NB |
The Ottawa Hospital - General Campus Breast Health Centre 501 Smyth Road www.ottawahospital.ca | Ottawa | ON |
The Scarborough Health Network - General Hospital Breast Clinic - The Scarborough Hospital - General Hospital 3050 Lawrence Avenue East 416-431-8168 | Scarborough | ON |
The Toronto Centre for Medical Imaging 150 York Street, Suite 910 416-368-8488 www.tcfmi.com | Toronto | ON |
The X-Ray Clinic At Northgate Centre 9499 - 137 Avenue, Suite 2018 Upper Mall Level 780-476-9729 | Edmonton | AB |
Thompson General Hospital 871 Thompson Drive South 204-677-5304 www.northernhealthregion.com | Thompson | MB |
Thunder Bay Medical Centre Diagnostics 63 Algoma Street North 807-683-4411 | Thunder Bay | ON |
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre 980 Oliver Road 807-684-6000 www.tbrhsc.net | Thunder Bay | ON |
Tillsonburg District Memorial Hospital 167 Rolph Street 519-842-6335 www.tillsonburghospital.on.ca | Tillsonburg | ON |
Timmins and District Hospital 700 Ross Avenue East 705-267-2131 www.tadh.com | Timmins | ON |
Trillium Health Partners - Betty Wallace Women's Health Centre 150 Sherway Drive 416-521-4031 www.trilliumhealthpartners.ca | Toronto | ON |
Trillium Health Partners - Credit Valley Hospital 2200 Eglinton Avenue West 905-813-2731 www.trilliumhealthpartners.ca | Mississauga | ON |
Trillium Health Partners - Mississauga Hospital 100 Queensway West 416-521-4069 www.trilliumhealthpartners.ca | Mississauga | ON |
True North Imaging - Boardwalk 430 The Boardwalk 519-576-8760 www.truenorthimaging.com | Waterloo | ON |
True North Imaging - Canamera X-Ray & Ultrasound 350 Conestoga Boulevard 519-623-9464 www.truenorthimaging.com | Cambridge | ON |
True North Imaging - Markham Women's Health Centre 39 Main Street North, Unit 1 905-472-2713 www.truenorthimaging.com | Markham | ON |
True North Imaging - Midtown Diagnostic Imaging 1849 Yonge St. 416-485-9155 www.truenorthimaging.com | Toronto | ON |
True North Imaging - Sheppard Diagnostic Imaging 1780 Markham Road 416-291-4770 www.truenorthimaging.com | Scarborough | ON |
True North Imaging - Thornhill Diagnostic Imaging 7330 Yonge Street 905-889-5926 www.truenorthimaging.com | Thornhill | ON |
True North Imaging - Victoria X-Ray, Ultrasound & Mammography 751 Victoria Street South 905-742-2636 www.truenorthimaging.com | Kitchener | ON |
True North Imaging - Waterloo X-Ray & Ultrasound 65 University Avenue East, Suite 17 519-746-3457 www.truenorthimaging.com | Waterloo | ON |
UHN - Princess Margaret Cancer Centre 610 University Ave, Room 3-950 www.uhn.on.ca | Toronto | ON |
UltraScan Medical Diagnostic Imaging 10-338 Waterloo Street 519-390-7226 www.ultrascan.ca | New Hamburg | ON |
Unionville Diagnostic Imaging 10 Unionville Gate, Suite 204 905-479-3945 www.humbervalleyimaging.com | Markham | ON |
Unity Health Toronto - St. Michael's Hospital CIBC Breast Centre 30 Bond Street 416-864-6060 | Toronto | ON |
University Hospital of Northern British Columbia 1475 Edmonton Street 250-645-6647 www.northernhealth.ca | Prince George | BC |
Upper River Valley Hospital 11300, Route 130 1-506-375-2546 www.horizonnb.ca | Waterville | NB |
Uxbridge Cottage Hospital - Site of Markham Stouffville Hospital 4 Campbell Drive www.msh.on.ca | Uxbridge | ON |
Valley Regional Hospital Mammography Department Valley Regional Hospital 150 Exhibition Street 1-902-678-7381 | Kentville | NS |
Vaughan Imaging Consultants 8333 Weston Road 905-850-7478 www.dixiexray.com | Woodbridge | ON |
Vernon Jubilee Hospital - SMPBC #23 Imaging Department 2101 32nd Street 2505581200 | Vernon | BC |
Victoria General Hospital - Island Health Breast Imaging #1 Hospital Way 250-727-4081 | Victoria | BC |
Vitalim Diagnostic Imaging 9600 Bathurst street 1-647-557-2262 www.vitalim.ca | Maple | ON |
VPM Imaging 520 Ellesmere Road 416-759-3462 | Scarborough | ON |
Waterloo Nuclear and Radiography 826 King Street North 519-206-7777 www.waterlooxray.com | Waterloo | ON |
Waterloo Wellington Breast Centre Grand River Hospital 3570 King Street East 519-749-4270 | Kitchener | ON |
Weeneebayko General Hospital 19 Hospital Drive Box 34 705-658-4544 www.weeneebaykohealth.ca | Moose Factory | ON |
Welland Hospital Site, NHS 65 Third Street 9057326111 niagarahealth.on.ca | Welland | ON |
Wellington X-Ray and Ultrasound Ltd. 414 Victoria Avenue North 905-546-5644 [email protected] | Hamilton | ON |
Wentworth - Halton X-Ray and Ultrasound Inc. 760 Brant Street 905-637-7606 www.whxray.com | Burlington | ON |
Wentworth-Halton X-Ray and Ultrasound Inc. 111-1060 Speers Road 905-844-0181 www.whxray.com | Oakville | ON |
Wentworth-Halton X-Ray and Ultrasound Inc. 15 Mountain Avenue South 905-662-4943 www.whxray.com | Stoney Creek | ON |
Wentworth-Halton X-Ray and Ultrasound Inc. 245 Dundas Street East 905-689-0877 www.whxray.com | Waterdown | ON |
Wentworth-Halton X-Ray and Ultrasound Inc. 2951 Walkes Line 905-336-2202 www.whxray.com | Burlington | ON |
Wentworth-Halton X-Ray and Ultrasound Inc. 325 Winterberry Drive 905-549-0433 | Hamilton | ON |
West Coast General Hospital / SMPBC 33 Port Alberni 3949 Port Alberni Highway 250-724-8811 http://www.viha.ca/locations/west_coast_general_hospital.htm | Port Alberni | BC |
West End Diagnostic Imaging 2425 Bloor Street West 416-763-4331 | Toronto | ON |
West Haldimand General Hospital 75 Parkview Road 905-768-3311 x 1116 www.whgh.ca | Hagersville | ON |
West Lincoln Memorial Hospital 169 Main Steet East 905-945-2253 www.hamiltonhealthsciences.ca | Grimsby | ON |
West Nipissing General Hospital 725 Coursol Road 705-753-3110 | Sturgeon Falls | ON |
West Parry Sound Health Centre 6 Albert Street 705-746-9321 x 3602 www.wpshc.com | Parry Sound | ON |
Western Breast Screening Centre 3 Herald Avenue 709-634-8558 www.easternhealth.ca | Corner Brook | NF |
Western Memorial Regional Hospital 1 Brookfield Avenue 709-784-5567 www.westernhealth.nl.ca | Corner Brook | NF |
Whitby Health Centre 198 Des Newman Blvd | Whitby | ON |
Whitby Medical Arts Imaging 1615 Dundas Street East 905-576-9729 | Whitby | ON |
Whites Road X-Ray & Ultrasound 1690 Dersan St. Unit 130 905-839-1806 www.exr.ca | Pickering | ON |
William Osler Health System - Etobicoke Wellness Centre 115 Humber College Blvd 905-494-6688 www.williamoslerhs.on.ca | Etobicoke | ON |
William Osler Health System Etobicoke General Hospital 101 Humber College Blvd. 905-494-6688 www.williamoslerhs.on.ca | Etobicoke | ON |
Winchester District Memorial Hospital 566 Louise Street 613-774-2420 www.wdmh.on.ca | Winchester | ON |
Windflower Diagnostic Imaging AA5-200 Windflower Gate 905-265-1865 | Woodbridge | ON |
Windsor Regional Hospital Metropolitan Campus 1995 Lens Avenue www.wrh.on.ca | Windsor | ON |
WOHC - Brampton Civic Hospital 2100 Bovaird Drive East 905-494-6688 www.williamoslerhc.on.ca | Brampton | ON |
WOHS - Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness 20 Lynch Street 905-494-6688 www.williamoslerhs.ca | Brampton | ON |
Women's College Hospital 76 Grenville Street 416-323-6400 x 3080 www.womenscollegehospital.ca | Toronto | ON |
Woodstock Hospital 310 Juliana Drive 519-537-2381 wgh.on.ca | Woodstock | ON |
WRHA Breast Health Centre 100 - 400 Taché Avenue 204-235-3626 www.wrha.mb.ca/bhc | Winnipeg | MB |
X-Ray 505 Medical Imaging - SMPBC 37 505 - 750 West Broadway 604-879-4177 www.xray505.ca | Vancouver | BC |
Yarmouth Regional Hospital 60 Vancouver Street 1-902-742-3542 www.swndha.nshealth.ca | Yarmouth | NS |
York Radiology Consultants - The Breast Centre 1333 Sheppard Avenue East 416-494-8800 www.yorkradiology.ca | Willowdale | ON |
Yorkton Regional Health Centre 270 Bradbrooke Drive 306-786-0425 www.sunrisehealthregion.sk.ca | Yorkton | SK |
Canadian Diagnostic Network - Charlotte Street 168 charlotte St. Unit 302 Ottawa | Ottawa | ON |