Advancing knowledge, learning and clinical expertise in cardiothoracic radiology.
The Canadian Society of Thoracic Radiology (CSTR) is a network of Canadian radiologists with an interest in cardiothoracic radiology. The society strives to encourage educational, research and administrative connections to maintain the highest standards of cardiothoracic imaging across Canada.
The CSTR is formed of members with an interest in advancing knowledge, learning or clinical expertise in the area of cardiothoracic radiology to communicate, meet, mentor and discuss research to further this interest.
- Drive the appropriate, proper and safe use of radiological services;
- Play a leadership role in the development/update of CAR-driven thoracic imaging guidelines, standards and appropriateness criteria;
- Provide access to online educational content for trainees and practicing radiologists; and
- Organize educational and social events during the annual CAR meeting.
President's Message
I am extremely excited to take on the position of CSTR President. I follow in the footsteps of previous CSTR Presidents who are exemplary leaders- Dr. Daria Manos and Dr. Carole Dennie. These two luminaries have inspired, mentored, sponsored and coached me. I am truly grateful and am absolutely honoured to have this opportunity to build upon the incredible work that they have both started and completed during their presidencies.
As Vice-Chair of Support, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity at the Department of Medical Imaging, University of Toronto, I bring a new lens to the job. I hope to incorporate the concepts of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity in our future CSTR projects and also promote wellness among the cardiothoracic imaging community in Canada. I hope to also address issues of sustainability in medical imaging and help to lead projects that will make medical imaging more "green" as we try to reduce waste and harmful practices that may contribute to adversely to climate change.
I am most excited to meet new people, collaborate with them and learn from them. I believe people are our greatest resource. Fortunately, the key to my happiness is also human connection so it's a win-win scenario! I am excited to build great working relationships with cardiothoracic radiologists and trainees across Canada (maybe even build friendships along the way!) and to further our field of cardiothoracic imaging, to promote education and research and guide best practices. Together we are stronger!
Elsie T. Nguyen, BSc, MD, FRCPC, FNASCI