As the national voice for radiologists in Canada, the Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) is committed to building a community that embraces diversity, promotes equity and fosters inclusivity. These values make our radiology community stronger, allow our organization to thrive and help us meet the needs of the patients we serve.
Mutual respect for the dignity, value and input of every person is the foundation on which we build an equitable and inclusive community, and one which is rich in diversity. The CAR celebrates diversity in all its forms, including race, ethnicity, language, nationality, age, experience, physical ability, gender, sexual orientation, religion, culture and other visible and non-visible expressions of diversity.
We enrich our interactions and scholarship when we respect the unique voice each of us contributes. We believe our full potential is best achieved in an environment that collaboratively enables respectful interactions. Engaging with unfamiliar ideas, perspectives, cultures, and people creates conditions for meaningful growth. As part of our goal to become equitable, we will work to identify and mitigate the adverse effects of any barriers to full participation in our profession and society.
Enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion in our community will require ongoing work and mindfulness on the part of the CAR and its partners when setting policies, developing procedures and decision making at all levels. The CAR encourages staff and members to continue this journey and to actively address barriers to equity both within ourselves and in our communities.
The CAR’s priorities of education, advocacy and excellence in patient care cannot be achieved without embracing these principles of equity, diversion, and inclusion. The CAR will provide resources that educate members of our community about equity and inclusion and will host events that foster dialogue and engagement around diversity. Ongoing awareness will shape our work with health professionals, patients and representatives, governments, and technology partners. The CAR will promote these principles in our goals, missions and actions.