As part of the CAR’s initiatives to ensure radiologists are seen more, heard more and that they are better understood, we have actively engaged with Canadians at large, as well as federal government officials and MPs across Canada. Throughout the summer we have also met with several senior policy staff within government and some of our board members met with their MP within their communities. The CAR facilitated meetings between Dr. Flegg and Dr. Anderson, reaching out to their federal political representatives and had productive discussions about radiologists’ work, their value and the CAR’s priorities over the next few years. This not only raises awareness of the value of radiology but also provides the opportunity to garner support.
In early August Dr. Lindsay Cherpak, Chair of Resident Working Group and CAR Board member, met with the Prime Minister’s
senior policy advisor. This meeting provided insight into the governments health and economic priorities and will help guide the CAR in our work. We also had the chance to meet with the Deputy Minister from the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development as well as the chief policy advisor with the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development. These meetings provided further insight into departmental initiatives and demonstrated a compelling justification for additional investment in radiology in First Nations communities but also in innovations that will help improve health outcomes for Canadians.
There are more meetings scheduled for the fall with the Public Health Agency of Canada as well as the Minister of Finance’s Office. This will provide the ideal lead into our annual Day on the Hill.