Advancing the field of radiology requires a round-the-clock effort, and those who dedicate their time deserve recognition. The CAR 2024 Awards were presented to extraordinary leaders whose contributions move the profession forward and improve patient care.
It is the CAR’s great pleasure to acknowledge the following award winners.
Gold Medal Award
Dr. Carole Dennie
Professor of Radiology, Department of Medical Imaging at the University of Ottawa

This medal is presented to a long-time member of the CAR who has made outstanding contributions to the Association as well as to the profession of radiology in Canada. It is the CAR’s highest honour.
“It has been such a pleasure and an honour for me to volunteer my time to the CAR and the radiology community at large to improve the quality of care for patients across Canada and to mentor those coming after me,” said Dr. Dennie. “I urge all trainees and early career radiologists to volunteer for a CAR-led activity because working together we can accomplish so much more!”
Distinguished Career Achievement Award
Dr. William (Bill) Anderson
Former Provincial Medial Director for Diagnostic Imaging Alberta Health Services

The CAR Distinguished Career Achievement Award is presented to honour individuals who, over the course of their career, have made very significant contributions to radiology in Canada.
“I would like to thank the CAR Board of Directors for this most prestigious award. I am truly humbled,” said Dr. Anderson. “I have been fortunate over the years to be given the time (away from family and by MIC Medical Imaging) to allow me to work with such incredible physicians and organizational staff at the ASR, AMA, CMA and CAR. People who work tirelessly to improve the health of Canadians and the health of the Health Care System. Nowhere has this been more impressive than at the CAR. The quality and quantity of the work they do for Canadians and the health care system is truly outstanding.”
Young Investigator Award
Dr. Mitch Wilson
Partner and community radiologist at Insight Medical Imaging in Edmonton and Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Alberta

This award is presented to a CAR member in the early stages of their career and recognizes exceptional contributions to medical imaging-related research.
“As a community radiologist, it's a tremendous honour to be named amongst some of our countries' leaders in academic radiology,” said Dr. Wilson. “Thank you to the CAR selection committee and membership for this recognition. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues and trainees from across the country on engaging and pragmatic questions with applications for clinical practice.”
2024 Fellows of the CAR
The Fellowship of the Canadian Association of Radiology (FCAR) is one of the highest honours that the CAR can bestow upon its members. Recognition as a Fellow of the CAR demonstrates a history of service to the CAR as a volunteer in collaboration and leadership, as well as clinical, scientific, and professional accomplishments.
Congratulations to the 2024 Fellows of the CAR:
Dr. Ania Kielar
Dr. Hema Choudur
Dr. Savvas Nicolaou
CAR/CRF Scientific and Educational Awards
The CAR and the CRF support the Scientific and Educational Competitions for radiologists and radiologists-in-training. The top-ranking oral presentations for Quality Improvement Project, Radiologist-In-Training Research Project, Scientific Research Project and top-ranking Educational Exhibit electronic presentations are awarded prizes and celebrated at the CAR Awards Ceremony. Click here to see the full list of winners for each category.
Radiologists-in-Training Research Project – 1st place
Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Navigation (MRN) Performance by Targeting Success of Magnetic Drug-Eluting Beads (MDEBs) in Hepatic Arteries
Amina Hadjadj¹˒²˒³, Ning Li¹˒²˒³, Marie-Lou Hautot¹˒²˒³, Mahdi Rezaei Adariani¹˒²˒³˒⁴, Omima Messihad¹˒²˒³, Mara Vagai¹˒²˒³, Feryel Azzi², Dominique Trudel², Simon Lessard¹˒²˒³, Irene Vignon Clementel⁴, Urs Hafeli⁵, Gilles Soulez¹˒²˒³
¹Clinical Laboratory of Image Processing (LCTI), ²CRCHUM, ³UdeM, ⁴Inria, Palaiseau, ⁵Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of British Columbia
Quality Improvement Project – 1st place
Improving Sonographic Appendix Visualization Rates in a Regional Referral Hospital; Imaging Department
Shyr Chui¹, Karina Hansen¹, Carly Phinney², Deanna Danskin¹
¹Hospital of Northern British Columbia, ²Northern Health Authority
Scientific Research Project – 1st place
Identifying Educational Competencies for Artificial Intelligence in Radiology
Sunam Jassar, Scott Adams
University of Saskatchewan
Educational Exhibit – 1st place
Pediatric Neurosonography: A Comprehensive Review and Systematic Approach
Neetika Gupta¹˒⁴, Shivaprakash B Hiremath², Isabelle Gauthier³, Nagwa Wilson¹, Elka Miller⁴
¹Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, University of Ottawa, ²Victoria and University Hospitals, London Health Sciences Centre, ³The Ottawa Hospital, University of Ottawa, ⁴Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto
Canada Safe Imaging Radiation Safety Award
The Canada Safe Imaging Radiation Safety Award was granted to Dr. Kaitlin Zaki-Metias (Trinity Health Oakland Hospital/Wayne State University School of Medicine, Pontiac, Michigan, USA) for Impact of a Collaborative Small Bowel Obstruction Imaging and Care Protocol with the General Surgery Service on Radiology Workflow and Resource Utilization.

These awards are a joint recognition from the Canadian Radiological Foundation (CRF) and the Canadian Heads of Academic Radiology (CHAR). They recognize excellence and provide funding for radiology research. Congratulations to:
Dr. Abdullah Alqabbani

Comparative Evaluation of Biphasic vs. 4D-CT Imaging for Parathyroid Adenoma Detection: Can the Imaging Protocol Be Abbreviated?
The Ottawa Hospital
Dr. Natalia Gorelik

Optimizing Musculoskeletal Imaging Referrals: Making Wise Choices a Knee-Jerk Reaction
McGill University Health Centre
Dr. Johanna Maria Ospel

University of Calgary, Improving Detection of Medium Vessel Occlusion Stroke Among Early Career Radiologists in Canada – The DETECT-CA Study
Foothills Medical Centre
Medical Student Awards
The CRF and the CHAR have an interest in the future of radiology and are working to support medical students and encourage radiology as a specialty in Canada. To recognize this effort, the Medical Student Awards were launched in 2023. Congratulations to:
Dr. Erin Gaudette

of Dalhousie University for winning the Radiology Leadership Scholarship Award
Dr. Zier Zhou

of Queen’s University for winning the Radiology Research Summer Studentship Award
Indigenous Scholarship Award
In the spirit of equity, diversity and inclusion, this award helps to fund registration for medical students from Indigenous communities.
Congratulations to Dr. Kristine Keon from the University of Toronto and Dr. Serena Morrill from McMaster University.

CARJ Editor’s Award
The CARJ Editor’s Award recognizes research papers of quality and importance which have a high potential scientific and clinical impact. The award winner is determined by the Selection Committee, which is comprised of members of the CARJ Standing Committee.
The CARJ Editor’s Award was given to an article entitled Radiogenomic Models Using Machine Learning Techniques to Predict EGFR Mutations in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer for the author’s meaningful contribution to the body of literature on the potential value of imaging signatures for pretreatment assessment and prognosis in precision therapy for non-small cell lung cancer. Congratulations to:
Jay Kumar Raghavan Nair
Umar Abid Saeed
Connor C. McDougall
Ali Sabri
Bojan Kovacina
B. V. S. Raidu
Riaz Ahmed Khokhar
Stephan Probst
Vera Hirsh
Jeffrey Chankowsky
Léon C. Van Kempen
Jana Taylor
CARJ Outstanding Reviewers
The ability of the journal to publish first-rate scientific and educational content is a direct result of the efforts of its peer reviewers.
Among the total 72 reviewers, 12 colleagues distinguished themselves by providing exceptionally high-quality and timely reviews, and we acknowledge their standout efforts with the CARJ Outstanding Reviewers Award. The recipients are:
Jacky Chow (AB)
Andreu Costa (NS)
Mona El Khoury (QC)
Birgit Ertl-Wagner (ON)
Bruce Forster (BC)
Bo Gong (BC)
Ania Kielar (ON)
Iain Kirkpatrick (MB)
Sebastian Mafeld (ON)
Matthew McInnes (ON)
Daniel Pinto dos Santos (Germany)
Philippe Soyer (France)
Congratulations once again to everyone who took home an award at CAR 2024! Thank you for the dedicated contributions you make to the field and Canada’s radiology community.
The CAR would also like to acknowledge all of our member volunteers for their contributions. Your time is valuable, and we are grateful that you have spent your time contributing to the advancement of the profession of radiology.