Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs like ChatGPT are growing in popularity for their ability to rapidly answer even the most complex queries and perform tasks that otherwise would be laborious for the user, like writing ad copy or putting together a legal contract. AI programs are on the path to ubiquity and industries are approaching them to identify benefits and drawbacks, including radiology. The CAR is incorporating this topic at CAR 2023 with an educational session entitled An AI Fireside Chat with the Experts.
This session takes place on Friday, April 28th and brings together leading radiologists and medical industry partners to discuss the practical, legal, and ethical changes and their implications moving forward as the technology evolves. Moderating the session is Dr. Arun Krishnaraj from the University of Virginia, with feature speakers Dr. Sheela Agarwal (Nuance), Dr. Dan Zikovitz (GE Healthcare), Dr. Mark Cicero (16 Bit Inc.), and Dr. Christopher Austin (AWS).
“AI is such a hot topic, but many don’t have a firm grasp of where it can help and what are its limitations,” says Dr. Krishnaraj. “I hope attendees who attend our session will walk away with a better understanding of how AI tools can benefit their practices today and what developments are in the works that may alter their practice in the future.”
Dr. Krishnaraj is researching how machine learning can document imaging data for comprehensive reporting and spoke with the American College of Radiology (ACR) about the potential for AI in the field of radiology as it relates to population health.
“A lot of information isn’t being conveyed because it’s time-consuming for radiologists to note, but machine learning algorithms can rapidly and accurately gather and report this information,” Dr. Krishnaraj said. “AI will remove the cognitive burden of the tedious tasks that radiologists do every day — like counting pulmonary nodules or measuring the loss of vertebral body height — so that we can focus on a high-value experience with the best quality care. By leveraging this technology, radiologists can become vital to longitudinal primary care and population health.”
Dr. Krishnaraj recently received a grant to study the use of AI to monitor changes in the body over a period of time by monitoring subjects before and after training for a local 10k race. He believes there is positive potential for routine use of AI in low-dose CT scans. “This could open the door to people coming in to get routine low-dose imaging that will give us a complete picture of someone’s health using a variety of AI algorithms,” he said. “I’m very bullish on the future of imaging as a valuable aspect of patient care in an increasingly tech-centered world.”
By attending this session, participants should be able to:
- Discuss the practical, legal, and ethical challenges that AI poses in radiology practice
- Identify strategies and opportunities for AI integration
- Debate advances in artificial intelligence and its impact on the medical imaging landscape
Take a look at the complete CAR 2023 agenda here and be sure to register as this session is not to be missed!