Thanks to the work of the CAR’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Working Group, the CAR is pleased to announce its official statement of values regarding the association’s stance on EDI.
Dr. Charlotte Yong-Hing, Chair of the EDI Working Group, said that developing comprehensive value statement was a critical priority for this group.
“This was felt to be an important first step to solidify our vision and mission, and to ensure we are using common language within the working groups, committees and beyond.”
She said the group put forth an incredible effort in completing this project and is incredibly proud of what they have accomplished.
“The committee members, led by Drs. Daria Manos and Phyllis Glanc worked tirelessly over the summer and completed the first draft of the statement. Their thoughtful work incorporated the entire committee’s perspectives. The final statement is completely original and distinctly Canadian. After review and minor modifications by the oversight group, it was presented to the CAR Board and endorsed in September 2021, ahead of schedule.”
Yong-Hing adds that while creating the value statement is an important step, there is still plenty for the group to accomplish.
“I am incredibly proud of the EDI Working Group members, whose active engagement confirms the need for a national radiology EDI initiative. We have given a voice to a growing community of Radiologists who are working towards improved diversity, inclusion, and equity in Radiology. It is my hope that the diversity statement is just the beginning.”