The time has come to recognize the distinguished service, outstanding contributions, and career excellence in various radiology disciplines. The CAR Affiliate Societies are now accepting nominations for the prestigious Affiliate Society awards, honouring radiology’s finest professionals.
Do you have a colleague whose dedication and achievements deserve recognition? Submit your nominations today for the following awards:
CSTR Award of Excellence
CETARS Medal of Excellence
CanSPR Award of Excellence
CSAR Career Excellence Award
- Nominees must be active CAR members in good standing for the past five years and current members of their respective Affiliate Society.
- Nominators must also be active CAR members.

Nomination Process:
For each award, please submit:
- One letter of support for the nominee.
- A statement outlining the nominee’s major contributions.
- The nominee’s curriculum vitae.
Deadline for nominations:
- December 15, 2024
- Forward your nominations to Julie Lambert
Review and Adjudication:
A selection committee from each society will review the nominations and select the award recipient.
Award recipients will be honoured at the CAR Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) in April 2025 during their respective Affiliate Society business meetings.
Don’t miss this opportunity to spotlight the incredible work being done in radiology! Help us celebrate the leaders, innovators, and pioneers in the field by nominating a deserving colleague today.
Join the CAR Affiliate Societies today through the member portal or by emailing [email protected]. Membership fees are complimentary for current CAR members.