Radiology research and academia are critical areas of the field. The Canadian bodies most directly involved with academic radiology, the Canadian Heads of Academic Radiology (CHAR) and the Canadian Association of Radiology Journal (CARJ), came together at CAR 2024 to discuss major priorities and ongoing projects.

The Canadian Heads of Academic Radiology (CHAR) Meet and Welcome New Members
The CHAR had a chance to catch up during CAR 2024. The CAR President Dr. Ania Kielar joined the meeting to express her appreciation for the CHAR and the important role they play in training the next generation of radiologists.
The CHAR Chair Dr. Narinder Paul thanked everyone for attending and welcomed three new chairs: Dr. Michael Patlas from the University of Toronto, Dr. Stephen Ying from the University of Manitoba, and Dr. Jeffery Fleming from Memorial University of Newfoundland (who unfortunately was unable to attend). The meeting was a great opportunity to exchange ideas, review projects, and strategize on the priority areas for the future of academic radiology.
The CHAR members are invigorated and enthusiastic to move forward on several new education initiatives and discussion papers. Stay tuned to learn more about these exciting projects!

The CAR Journal (CARJ) Editorial Board Meeting and Reception
The CARJ Editorial Board meeting was held during the CAR’s Annual Scientific Meeting. Editor-in-Chief – Dr. Michael Patlas – presented an excellent overview of the CARJ’s status as a premiere publication for current and cutting-edge radiology papers. Under his leadership, the journal has never been more prolific and successful.
Together with the support from the Editorial Board, Standing Committee, and International Advisory Board, the CARJ continues to experience spectacular growth in the number of submissions, publications, and downloads. The entire team was able to celebrate both Dr. Patlas’ and the journal’s accomplishments at the inaugural CARJ Reception.
Thank you to everyone who attended these events; your commitment and dedication have contributed immensely to the resounding success of the journal.