The Affiliate Societies had a stronger presence at the CAR 2022 ASM. Affiliate members had the opportunity to participate in live discussions around key topics facing their subspecialties in radiology in Canada and around the world. There were plenty of highlights and hot topics discussed by each society both on the Whova Community Boards and during the annual scientific networking meetings.
- Discussion around the role of artificial intelligence and equipment learning in the acute setting
- Developing educational portals and initiatives that could help service areas across the world and how to provide support for the indigenous communities of Canada
- Update on upcoming guidelines for 2022 (CT Colonography and Endometriosis) and educational initiatives CSAR is currently developing
- Excellent discussion around abdominal radiology on the AI tool, abbreviated MRI protocols, quantifying incidental findings and ethics-related, and improving workflow efficiency
- Overview of the most recent projects completed and scheduled projects for 2022
- Business arising on their accreditation project, collection of stroke protocols, resident survey creation to gain knowledge on recruitment obstacles, and referral guidelines for pediatrics
- Lung Cancer Screening Accreditation project update (standards have been written and are currently in review) and Education (in development; the committee has almost completed the core and advanced cardiac and chest curriculum)
- Hosted a live discussion on key topics and priorities for cardiothoracic radiologists in Canada
Join the CAR Affiliate Societies today! Membership fees are complimentary if you are a current CAR member and available to emergency, abdominal, pediatric, thoracic, and general radiologists, as well as current fellows or residents. If you are interested in becoming an affiliate society member, please join through the CAR member portal or email [email protected]. United to support radiology education, patient care, research, advocacy, and the future of the profession across Canada.