Have you ever wondered how to go about accrediting the services provided at your institution with the CAR’s rigorous standards? Do you know which other facilities in Canada are designated as CAR Accreditation certified?
The CAR created a new digital hub tailored to answer all your accreditation questions and start the accreditation process.
The CAR has been Canada’s standard bearer for medical imaging for decades, providing mammography accreditation services for over 25 years to more than 500 facilities.
Governed by the Medical Imaging Accreditation Council, CAR Accreditation is a subsidiary of the CAR whose programs and standards are built by active professionals in the field who understand your challenges. The primary focus of CAR Accreditation is to ensure the highest standards of quality medical imaging are met so that patients have equitable access to consistent and reliable care across Canada.
While originally focusing on mammography, demand for accreditation services reached led to the expansion of these services into other areas of medical imaging. The website will offer detailed explanations of five different areas of accreditation:

Lung Cancer Screening
Coming in 2025

Computed Tomography
Available Now

Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Coming in 2025

Coming in 2025
Developed and overseen in partnership with Sonography Canada, the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists, and the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists.

Available Now
A cornerstone initiative of the CAR since 1994.
Each program is committed to the highest standards of imaging precision, safety, and superior patient care by developing accreditation criteria around four main pillars: Expertise and Professional Development, Integrated Quality Management, Advanced Diagnostic Technology, and Holistic Image and Patient Care Excellence.
Inquiring institutions can soon learn everything about accreditation standards for the available programs and how to start the process, all in one convenient digital location.
Stay tuned for details on the official website launch next month.